A Message of Peace to All Hajjis

From the bottom of my humble heart,
May your flight to the land of the Prophet of Islam,
Bring about a great spiritual change in you,
And may you revolve in Allah’s Love,
And gain proximity with Him,
Who have made Hajj the essence of purification,

I call to you O Allah, my Lord,
To bless all those who are dear to You,
And who have readied their heart,
To accomplish Your command,
And come to You,
From all corners of this temporal world as true devotees of the Lord of all the worlds,
To sacrifice their selves in the hands of purity, Incha-Allah. Ameen

November 2007

(for the occasion of the departure of the Hajjis for Hajj & Eid-ul-Adhia)

Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim