Text Box: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Eid-ul-Adha Sermon


Munir Ahmad Azim

28 November 2009

(10 Dhul Hijjah 1430 Hijra)


(Summary of Eid Sermon)

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace and Eid Mubarak, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he read the following Quranic verses and then said:

AL-SWAFFAT CH.37 V.102-113

“And We gave him the glad tidings of a very gentle son (Ishmael). And when he reached the age of travelling with him, he said: ‘My son, while I was sleeping I saw that I shall slaughter (sacrifice) you, tell me what is your opinion.’ He replied: ‘Father, do as you are ordered (by Allah). Allah willing, you shall find me one of those who are steadfast.’ And when they had both submitted, and his son had laid down prostrate upon his forehead, We called to him, saying: ‘O Abraham, you have confirmed your vision. ‘As such We recompense the good-doers. That was indeed a clear trial. So, We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice, And We let it (the beautiful praise) remain upon him in the latter (generations), ‘Peace be upon Abraham!’ As such We recompense the good-doers. He was one of our believing worshipers. Then, We gave him the glad tidings of Isaac, a prophet, one of the righteous.”

The above verses refers to the sacrifice of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) and of his son Prophet Ishmael (on them be peace). The Eid we are celebrating is called the Eid of sacrifice, Eid-ul-Adha or Great Eid. This Eid is celebrated to commemorate and revive the spirit of sacrifice which was initially done by Prophet Abraham (on him be peace). When Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) was free from the wrongs and cruelties of his people, then he said that he will emigrate towards his Lord for He alone can guide him, and thus we find him praying in the same chapter for the birth of a child: “Rabbi Habli minas-Saalihiin” – ‘My lord, grant me a righteous (son).’

He asked Allah to grant him a pious son who shall continue his work, his divine mission. When he made this prayer, it was a difficult moment where his family and his people were against him and separated from him. They turned their backs to him. When this happened, Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) decided to start life afresh, forgetting about the past.

Thus, his prayers bore its fruit – Allah heard his prayer and granted him a son, Prophet Ishmael (on him be peace). In the next verse, Allah mentions: “We gave him the glad tidings of a very gentle son.” But long before this good news, Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) once saw in his dream that he was sacrificing his son, that is, cutting his neck. Prophet Abraham made lots of prayers, asking Allah to grant him a son who can continue his line. But then Allah showed him that he was to sacrifice the same wanted child with his own hands. It seems that Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) interpreted the dream as a divine commandment to physically sacrifice his unique son. This is why he decided to leave him in the desert, but frankly speaking, by doing so, he is sacrificing himself – separating himself from his beloved son. In the light of the decision to sacrifice his son, he went (according to the divine command) in search of the place of the Ka’aba, the House for the benefit of humanity. The Ka’aba is the first house which had been built for the worship of Allah but the Holy Quran does not mention by whom it was built and when. But in the era of Prophet Abraham, the Ka’aba already existed and Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) received clear instructions to reconstruct the Ka’aba.  

Like we already know, Prophet Abraham left his wife Hagar (Hajra) and his son Ishmael in a desert place, and left with them only a recipient of water and some dates. Hadith mentions that when Prophet Abraham was about to leave his wife and son, he was so affected and filled with sadness that he could not speak. He pointed in the direction of the heavens to let his wife know that he is leaving them in the hands of Allah. it is his complete trust in Allah which has made him execute this divine plan. On many occasion he came to visit them and discovered that the desert place became a habitable place and has been developed (by the presence of other people), and now all sorts of food can be found. Since long, there was a burden in the heart of the Friend of Allah; it feared that he has not well interpreted the meaning of his dream correctly. He was so wise and intelligent and thus is known as the father of prophets, that he could not have proceeded with his plan to execute his son without first asking him for his consent first. What we understand is that Prophet Abraham would never have put his dream into execution without first taking the permission of his son Ishmael. 

Thus Prophet Abraham entered history as an example for all people of all times. The Quran itself gives proof of this example, whereby Prophet Abraham waiting for years till Ishmael reached an age of understanding to ask him for his consent and opinion on this matter of sacrifice.

Allah says in Verse 103: “And when he reached the age of travelling with him, he said: ‘My son, while I was sleeping I saw that I shall slaughter (sacrifice) you, tell me what is your opinion.’ He replied: ‘Father, do as you are ordered (by Allah). Allah willing, you shall find me one of those who are steadfast.’”

This verse shows why Prophet Abraham waited for all these years before talking once again about sacrificing his son. Firstly, he knew that no one has the right to take the life of another person, even if it be his own son, without first obtaining his consent. Prophet Abraham was completely dedicated for the cause of Allah. When he related to his son the purport of his dream, what a wonderful reply his son gave him! This shows the spiritual light which this special son represents, wanting come what may to be sacrificed in the cause of Allah. This story happened a very long time ago and nobody witnessed it except the concerned parties, but as the world should learn a lesson from this spirit of sacrifice, and to make known that Allah has been satisfied with such a spirit of sacrifice presented by both father and son, He thus mentions it in the Holy Quran. It is the same spirit of sacrifice which we commemorate and relived by celebrating Eid today.

In the next verses 104-106, Allah says: “And when they had both submitted, and his son had laid down prostrate upon his forehead, We called to him, saying: ‘O Abraham, you have confirmed your vision. ‘As such We recompense the good-doers.”

We understand from the verses of the Holy Quran that Prophet Abraham rightly interpreted his dream; he was a good man and Allah knew in which way (the literal way) he will interpret his dream, and knew that he will execute his dream which came to him as a divine command. Through this dream, the dedication and love of both father and son for Allah came to light. Allah let him proceed with the execution of the dream to know to what extent he will go to show his obedience to Allah (and manifest his spirit of sacrifice). And true to his word and intention Prophet Abraham showed us that he would do everything for Allah’s pleasure, and thus he became a model of sacrifice for mankind. To enable us to commemorate this event, this spirit of sacrifice, Allah has made that each year the world celebrates Eid-ul-Adha. And each time you will make this sacrifice, you shall recall this event and this will have its positive and spiritual effect on you. Even if you read these verses of the Quran concerning this sacrifice of both father and son, this should have somewhere made a special impact on you, for this is a true example of sacrifice, an ever-living example. Therein is a profound example for Muslims around the world and it holds at the same time a secret for life and for the future of Islam.

We must understand that one of the greatest recompense that Allah has given Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) is the moment He announced him: ‘O Abraham, you have confirmed your vision.’ When someone who is thirsty of the love of Allah and when Allah gives him such good news, then what more can he ask for? But nevertheless, Allah has reserved more and more rewards for Prophet Abraham. 

In Verses 107 and 108 Allah says: “That was indeed a clear trial. So, We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice.” The words “Zibbin Azim” means a mighty sacrifice and it is not what nearly everybody understands by the ram, ox or goat which they think Allah has made appeared before Prophet Abraham (on him be peace). Firstly Allah has already informed Abraham that he had already confirmed his dream. Then how can we compare the sacrifice of a ram to that of the sacrifice of one’s son? How can we say that the animal sacrifice is greater than that of a father sacrificing his son? What we understand here is that when Prophet Abraham showed an exceptional spirit of sacrifice, Allah was pleased with him and Allah informed him that He has accepted his sacrifice, for he has done exactly what Allah has told him to do. Afterwards Allah said that He will not let this spirit of sacrifice die. He will preserve it and propagate it so that the world as a whole comes to know of this “Mighty sacrifice”. The sacrifice of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions is directly related to the sacrifice of Prophet Ishmael. Allah told Prophet Abraham: “You accomplished your duty and I accepted it. Now (Allah says) it is I who will make this Mighty sacrifice become a token of love of Allah for your descendants and as a means to recall your sacrifice also.”

Here “Mighty Sacrifice” refers to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions and verily their sacrifices were such that they are a recollection of the sacrifice of Prophet Ishmael.

In the next verse Allah says: “And We let it (the beautiful praise) remain upon him in the latter (generations).”  Now the question is in what form will this beautiful praise manifest? Allah enlightens us on this by saying that they shall say: “Salaamoun ala Ibrahim”, that is, ‘Peace be upon Abraham!’ In the present Chapter (Surah 37) there is the mention of “Salaam” on many prophets. Everywhere where it is mentioned peace on these prophets, it is said that it is the Aakhireen (the people of latter days) who shall send these Salaam on them. 

Who are exactly these people of latter days? Without any doubt, they refer to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions. The proof is that it is only Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who has proclaimed the truth of the other prophets’ message and he even taught us to send peace on all other prophets. You will see that there is no religion except Islam who has received the command in the Quran to send Peace on the other prophets of Allah. And now it is clear that the Mighty sacrifice is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions and this is proved also in the reading of the Sending of Blessings of the Holy Prophet of Islam, which stipulates the sending of blessings and peace on Prophet Abraham also. Allah says, “As such We recompense the good-doers.” This means that even after the death of Prophet Abraham, Allah has made such a situation that this reward is continued and brought till Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) – Islam. 

A sole Messenger, in the person of Prophet Muhammad, who even though he is superior in status, he never forgets those who are under him. He taught his people to send peace on all the other prophets, and even said that those who do not believe in even one of the Prophets of Allah are not of him (do not form part of his community – Islam).

In the aftermath of this prayer of Prophet Abraham, there has come Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who came as his descendant and in the same line we came as the people of latter days. The people of latter days includes the servant of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and that of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) who has come to revive the teachings of Islam which has been trampled to dust. Allah has seen the need to raise a Messenger to revive these teachings and to remove all “anti-unity of Allah” (association of other divinities with Allah) from the hearts of people. Today, we are the same people of latter days whom Allah has raised to serve Islam, that is, the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam shall perform this duty, and is ever ready to sacrifice all to let shine the victory of Islam. Insha-Allah. Ameen.

The events which have transpired in the previous years have shown that this is an appropriate blessed divine plan, wherein each of us shall shoulder greater responsibilities in the near future.

If we look at our state, we are really weak, without any power, holding no authority in whatever country, but our heart is filled with the certitude in Allah that we shall re-built the world and bring in its wake the victory of Islam. This certitude is true even if others may say that we are just dreaming, even if they say that we are just talking in vain – but don’t heed them. The companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also used to face all sorts of great difficulties. Sometimes they used to have only one meal per day. Don’t forget the anecdote of the preparation of the battle of the trench whereby a companion was so hungry that he tied a stone to his stomach (an Arab custom to show hunger) and showed this to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He thought that if he showed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) his state, the prophet will have pity for him and thus pray for him. But to his astonishment, the Holy Prophet showed him his stomach and around it was two stones, which meant that he was hungrier than anyone of them, but that he kept silence and bore patience with his condition. The companion realised this upon seeing the difficult state of hunger of the prophet. It was during the digging of the trench itself that the companions hit a rock which did not crack, not even one single bit. Then they informed the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) about this and they put their hopes in the prophet that only him can break this rock. And thus the prophet came and took a spade and hammered the rock with it.

He took the spade, and struck the rock uttering ‘In the Name of Allah, Allah is Great, the keys of Ash-Shâm (Geographical Syria) are mine, I swear by Allah, I can see its palaces at the moment;’ on the second strike he said: ‘Allah is Great, Persia is mine, I swear by Allah, I can now see the white palace of Madain;’ and for the third time he struck the rock, which turned into very small pieces, he said: ‘Allah is Great, I have been given the keys of Yemen, I swear by Allah, I can see the gates of San’a (in Yemen) while I am in my place.’ 

O Allah we are verily weak but nevertheless You show us that we shall have the upper hand on all these. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions had complete trust in Allah and knew that all these promises would become true and verily history is witness of the realisation of these promises. 

Today, we are the ones who are proclaiming that we shall bring back the victory of Islam, Insha-Allah. People can consider us crazy, but our proclamations are based on trust, the same absolute trust which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had in Allah. We are the ones who shall bring back the victory of Islam and nobody else. Now ponder over the great responsibilities which lie on your shoulders, and assume them. This will only be possible through the example of Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) who dedicated himself and his descendants completely to Allah. Thus education begins with the father and this anecdote shows us that both Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ishmael (on them be peace) submitted completely to the will of Allah.

This is my message for today, that we must manifest in ourselves the qualities of Prophet Abraham. It is then that our children shall manifest in themselves the qualities of Prophet Ishmael. The sacrifice of Prophet Abraham was accepted when both father and son submitted to the will of Allah. Each of us must manifest the same enthusiasm of both prophets, whereby for the cause of Allah Prophet Abraham (on him be peace) was ready to cut the throat of his son. Before he completed his sacrifice, Allah and His angels stopped him and made him understand that it is not the physical sacrifice which He wanted, but a sacrifice which shall persist till Judgement Day. One must have such a spirit of sacrifice that even if one has a son, but agrees to dedicate him for the cause of Allah. Thus we must be ever ready to make all sorts of sacrifices. It is this also which is meant by “Mighty sacrifice” which was first started by Prophet Ishmael and continued by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them) and this is the same sacrifice which we must continue to make today. I address myself especially to the parents, if you want to become true Muslims; then carve your example in the image of Prophet Abraham, and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them).

Intention is not sufficient. It must be accompanied with action also and all sorts of sacrifices which are really difficult to overcome, which is filled with trials, but nevertheless you shall bear patience and overcome them only for the pleasure of Allah. Maybe before you did not take notice of all the sacrifices and trials that you must undergo, but Allah in a second can give a revelation (to do such and such sacrifices), then day by day your responsibilities, your duties will become greater, and this indeed is a great divine blessings upon you.

Thus, we must elevate our level of sacrifice to the rank of Prophet Abraham, to the rank of Prophet Ishmael and If Allah wills we shall succeed in our mission. Ameen.

The Khalifatullah wished all brothers and sisters from different countries (the neighbour islands, etc.) and in Mauritius also who are taking the Eid Sermon live (on telephone), an Eid Mubarak. It is his wih and prayer that all of them unite as one body under the banner of te unicity of Allah and manifest in themselves the spirit of sacrifice taught by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismaïl, so as to bring forward the victory of Islam, Insha-Allah...