Received on 23rd June 2008 at night


Some take me as one under an evil spell

Others say I am out of tune,

Some call me a man forsaken, woe begone

But I am mad after my Lord and I know none but Him.


My belief in God is not blind faith but is based on personal experience.

I yearn to thank My True Friend through whom I shall meet Him.


In every heart there is that same Light.

By that Light is every soul illumined.

But this divine Light becomes manifest only by Islam’s teachings.


In what is pleasing to Thee O Lord

O Lord, my soul yearns for Thy Sweet Voice

As the honeybee for the nectar of flowers

Night and day Lord I am athirst for Thee

Give the ambrosia of Thy mercy to this humble one O my Beloved Lord,

I yearn to be like the rain bird that drinks only the rain drops (mercy of Allah) so that I may ever dwell in Thy Name.


Impurity is not thus washed away;

It is washed away by Divine knowledge.

Impurity of the heart is greed

Impurity of the tongue is falsehood

Impurity of the eyes is gazing on another's wealth, his wife and her beauty

Impurity of the ears is listening to slander.

The swan-like man who indulges in such practices shall go bound to hell.

All impurities consist in superstition and attachment to worldly things.

Birth and death are ordained as it pleaseth God.

We come and go.

Food and drink earned through honest means are pure.

O mankind, those who realize God through the Khalifatullah are free from all impurities.


Shower praises on the true Khalifatullah in whom lies all greatness.

If He wills, the true ones will meet the Khalifatullah;

If it pleases the Khalifatullah God dwells in the heart of the seeker.

Placing his hand on his forehead, he removes all evil from within him.

When God is pleased nine treasures are obtained.