In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful



















Fasting has been prescribed for every Muslim in the month of Ramadan. This month brings in its wake many divine blessings, which assures for the devoted servant of God true solace and satisfaction with His Maker. The month of Ramadan may be a yearly visitor but we are but temporary hosts. We must bear in mind that we are but temporary beings, residing on earth for a limited time. As soon as our passport and visa for the hereafter are ready, then we have to depart, come what may. Our soul belongs to the Almighty, our Maker. We are but the fulfilment of His will.


The month of Ramadan is such a month which assures for us the grace, mercy and love of the Almighty, for according to the Divine Scripture, the Holy Quran, and the Hadith and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) then we come to realise that sacrifice in the path of Allah makes us come closer to the Almighty, to such an extent that we get our Creator as our reward. Despite being weak in all facets, yet we live with such strength which comes from God Almighty. Had He not given us humans the will to sacrifice for His will, then, we would be nothing at all! Our existence is from Him and for Him, and living for God means guiding our souls to that goal in life which is True Life. God is Life, and living in this temporal world must make us humans realise that we are but a reflection, not the true self.


Fasting, being one of the five pillars of Islam reassures for us security in that which we get the opportunity to sacrifice for the sake of God. The usually permissible becomes for a limited period during the day forbidden for us, and that throughout the whole month. When we sacrifice we not only perceives the pain of hunger of the self, but we get to identify our weaknesses and neutralise them with fervent prayers to the Lord of the Worlds. We realise our spiritual weakness and we strive to repair our physical, moral and spiritual bodies so that we can aim to have our Maker as our ultimate reward.


The fast of Ramadan opens the door to a world of deprivation to better accede to multitude riches – the love and pleasure of the Almighty. When we strive to get a drop of His love, He will pour down a whole ocean for us; such an ocean which we shall be pleased to keep drowning. Passions are controlled by the pangs of hunger, such hungers which are usually restrictions to our spiritual progress.


Oh Muslims brothers, sisters and children, the first days of the blessed Ramadan fasting have appeared. Let these days not slip through our hands. Let us strive to rid ourselves of our selves, restrictors of spirituality. Let us plunge into the worship of our Almighty Lord with His fear and love in us as sure guides to safety: the safety of our souls. I wish you all a Ramadan Mubarak. May Almighty Allah bless you all and make us Light from His Light. (Ameen)  


Hazrat Imam Muhyi-ud-Din Munir A. Azim

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam