Text Box: The Star Of Life

A holy heart caught sight of the star of life,
Up high on the mountain of light,
In the middle of the night,
Feasting its eyes on the moon so bright,
Flying with ease over the world of eternity,
Letting the universe open its breast to the light of love,
Letting the stars shine bright in the path of truth,
The camellia has caught grip of the fragrance of forever,
Deep in the ocean of love,
The starfish of life has spun on itself to brighten the surface
of life with the light of thankfulness,
For every light carry its share of love and truth,
Forget the past,
Lend an eye on the future,
Which compels the heart to once again smile,
To greet the essence of tomorrow,
What is in store for the pearl of love deep in
the vast ocean of life?
What secret does tomorrow hide in its heart?
Why does the rose hum the hymn of love,
Why do stars shine up above in the sky?
Every question holds its mysteries,
Likewise every heart holds a special closeness with
its Lord and Friend,
So as to open like the rose which manifests its eagerness
to hold sunlight in its breast.
A star for the moon,
And a moon for the sun.

12th January 2004

Hazrat Amir’ul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din
Munir Ahmad Azim