بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon


Hazrat Amir’ul Momeneen Muhyi-Ud-Din

Al Khalifatullah


Munir Ahmad Azim


27th March 2009


(Summary of Friday Sermon)



After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and afterwards he said:


The Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace) was elected by Allah the Almighty for a specific mission on this temporal world. He was a human like everybody else but what made him special was the honour with which Allah raised him to the distinction of Messiah, Mahdi, and Prophet.


The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) said concerning his proclamation: “I take an oath in the name of the One in Whose hand my life is found that it is He (Allah) Himself who gave me the title of Prophet and it is Him who called me by the name of Promised Messiah. To testify to my truth, He (Allah the Almighty) has manifested (in my favour) extraordinary miracles.” (Haqiqatul Wahi pg.150)


The title of Prophet which he received and which I explained last week, is attached to the prophethood of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Promised Messiah was truly in his times a reflection of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). He came onto this world for the revival of the glory of Islam and the unicity of Allah.


I will now proceed to give you a description of the Promised Messiah of that epoch.


He had a fair complexion, whitish in colour, with a well proportioned body, which no difficulty, no shock, no sadness and no worry could have rendered his face pale. His face was always shiny like a piece of gold. He had always an encouraging smile on his lips. Those who saw him used to say: “If such a person could have lied, and he himself was conscious of his lies, how then, can he be that confident and preserve that air of happiness, of victory and tranquillity which is reflected on his face?” These signs of exterior piety and righteousness could not have reflected a dark interior. Likewise, the face of an imposter cannot reflect the light of faith.


His face never reflected that he was facing such and such pains. Allah knows best how many problems which he had to face. Those who used to come and visit him always find him with a smile and an air of confidence. His eyes used to remain, with habit, half-opened. He had a forehead which revealed a god-gifted power to discern things, to analyse them with foresight and intelligence. In the manner which he behaved and dressed, he did not show himself pompous or formal. Like his model, Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he had a certain consideration in the way he looked, but it was against his nature to devote too much time to all these things; that is, in the way he looks or dresses.


This description of his physique is also accompanied with a masculine grace with a moreover deep spiritual interior. His face was divinely illumined and like he was sent by Allah to show the beauties of Islam, Allah also blessed his physique and through it, many peoples’ hearts were attracted to him. Like the Quran reveals, the character of all the prophets are not alike. Allah gives them a special character which enables His Messengers to deal with their people, and make them understand the message of Allah.


And verily all prophets without exception, despite their different characters came, and will come onto this earth as a Bearer of glad tidings and as a Warner. If we study the Quran and Hadith, we will find the example of Prophet Moses (on him be peace) who had a hot temper. There are other prophets, besides Prophet Moses, whom Allah had honoured and qualified them as pure and patient. There is the example of Prophet Job, who in spite of all the trials which Allah made him goes through – including a really horrible malady, whereby all his disciples, wife and children left him – he remained always patient and never complained to Allah upon his miserable condition. He put his absolute confidence in Allah and took patience with all these trials. Allah was so happy with him that He cured him and return to him his wife, children and some of his disciples. Allah forgave them for abandoning His Prophet. The character of a Prophet or Messenger is important in the era in which he is living. There are moments whereby Allah ordains His Messenger to stand up, not fear creatures and to tell them some of the things which Allah ordains His Messenger to say; but unfortunately not all people who understand this Messenger.


When Allah elevate His Messenger for the reform of mankind; since his very childhood, Allah guides him to perfect himself in the love of Allah, His Book, that is, the Holy Quran and also in the love of the Holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the perfect model for humanity. Likewise, Allah guided His Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace) ever since his childhood, in the different phases of his life. Verily, when Allah decides to send one of His Messengers, His light and a Mercy for the worlds, He only has to say: “Kun” (exist) and the thing or person comes to materialise. Since his childhood till his last moment on earth, Allah manifested lots of signs, revelations, dreams, calamities, glad tidings, and testimonies from the heavens in favour of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace).


In one of his books, the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) talked about love of Allah like someone intoxicated in expressing his love and the unicity of Allah. He said:


“I cannot enumerate the signs which I witnessed but the world did not see them. O Allah, I know You; You alone are my God. My soul rejoices in Your name, like a child who is happy upon seeing his mother. But the majority of people did not recognise me, and did not accept me.” (Tiryaquoul Qouloube)


I will now briefly relate to you about the Promised Messiah’s love for Allah. Verily, he had a very strong and special bond of love with Allah.


In another place, taking Allah as his witness, he said:


“Look, my soul is flying towards You in all confidence, like a bird to its nest. I look out for the signs of Your Majesty, and of Your Power; not for me, but to enable all people to know You and accept Your pure path.” (Tiryaquoul Qouloube)


In one of his Persian poems, he addressed Allah as thus:


“In the wake of the relations which I have cultivated with You, and in the name of that tender love which I planted in the profound of my heart, I call out to You, Who is my Refuge (Protection), my Support and Fortress, to come and deliver me from all the blames which I am a victim.


Illuminate my face with the light of that fire which you have ignited in my heart, where You have burnt and destroyed all save You Yourself and where You have changed the darkness of the night into that of light.” (Haqiqatoul Mahdi)


The Promised Messiah’s trust in Allah the Almighty was very solid.


ANECDOTE: Hazrat Maulvi Abdul Karim (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) has said that like when it is very hot and the clouds are heavy, people await rainfall, likewise, when he (the Promised Messiah) did not have money, he placed his total confidence in Allah for his needs.


We find out also that he had great confidence in Allah in dealing with his enemies. Whenever there was a religious debate, the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) made lots of enemies. There was some people also who recognised the truth in the arguments which he gave in the defence of Islam, but there were also others – of other religions and also within Islam itself – who opposed him despite the fact that he (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) brought before them a great number of irrefutable proofs concerning the veracity of Islam, the Unicity of Allah, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his proclamation as the Messiah and Mahdi whom the Muslims were waiting. He got such foes as Pundit Lekh Ram, Dr. Martin Clark, Abdullah Atham, Mohammad Hussein of Batala, Alexander Dowie and even some members of his own family and many others in his fight for the victory of Islam.


ANECDOTE: One of the evil people who existed in his time was a priest from London, in England who declared himself God – In the times of Prophet Moses also, Pharaoh declared himself to be god). The Promised Messiah (on him be peace) prayed concerning this priest whose name was Pigott and thus, he saw in a dream some books in which there was written three times: “saint, saint, saint” and afterwards he received a revelation in Arabic: “Allah is severe in punishment. They are not behaving correctly.” (Tadhkira)


The Messiah explained that Pigott was in a very bad position, will not repent and that he will never believe in Allah. Thus, this was an indication that he will have a fearful end because of the proclamation he made.


Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace) was a very pious person and Allah used to listen to his supplications and accept them. Allah used to reveal him about the conditions of his disciples, and other people for whom he used to pray. Here are some miracles of prayers which Allah has made in his favour:




1. Once, the son of Dr. Nur Muhammad (the proprietor of a factory manufacturing medicines) fell very ill. The boy’s mother was very much affected that the Promised Messiah took pity on him and prayed a lot for his recovery. After a lot of prayers, the Promised Messiah received a revelation that the boy will be healed. Thus, the Promised Messiah told this revelation to several persons who were close to him, and by the grace of Allah, the boy recovered completely.


2. The Promised Messiah related that once he was ill for several days, but since three days his sons Bashir and Mahmud got high fever. He was about to begin to pray when he remembered that Mufti Muhammad Sadiq and Maulvi Nur-ud-Din also were ill. Thus, he felt that he must pray for them also. Just then, he got a revelation in Arabic which said: “Your prayers in favour of your disciples and your children have been heard.”


3. Once, he received a telegram from one of his true and sincere friend Seth Abdur Rahman from Madras who fell very ill. The Promised Messiah was very worried with this situation. Around 9.00 in the morning, he went into a vision where he received a revelation in Urdu which says: ‘Sign of life.’ After this revelation, he received another telegram which said that the health of Seth Abdur Rahman was much better and that there is nothing to be worried about.


4. Once, the wife of the Promised Messiah (Hazrat Nusrat Jahan Begum) fell very ill and had high fever. The Promised Messiah received a revelation in Urdu saying: ‘Joy and happiness.’ Before night, his wife was healed.


5. The Promised Messiah suffered once from dizziness and thus could not do concentrate to write his book. He thought that his end was near. Thus, in this condition, he received a revelation that the capabilities of his youth will come back. Some few minutes later, he felt himself fit enough to write his book, and successfully wrote several pages with his own hands.


By the grace of Allah, Allah showed His grandeur when He sent revelation upon His humble Messiah. Like the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen once witnessed and which the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam is witnessing; in the times of the Promised Messiah also, he used to receive revelation from Allah in several languages. He used to receive revelations in Urdu and Arabic like I mentioned earlier – he also received revelation in Persian, Punjabi, English and Hindi.


And like all Ahmadi Muslims know, Allah announced him the birth of a son – a promised son and reformer. Allah gave him this good news in these terms: “One of your sons will one day become My beloved. From this moon, I will remove all obscurities. I will demonstrate that through him. I have completely turned a universe.” The Promised Messiah said: “This glad tiding is nourishment for my heart. Holy is He Who has humiliated my enemies.”


The Musleh Maoud Hazrat Khalifatul Massih II Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him) related that in 1907, the Promised Messiah got severe cough. When he was still in this state, a friend came and brought for him some fruits as a gift. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad took the fruits and put them before him. The Promised Messiah looked at the fruits and said: “Tell him: ‘May Allah reward him.’ Afterwards he took a banana and asked his son if the banana was good for his health (especially now that he got severe cough). His son then told him that this fruit was not good for his health. Upon hearing this, the Promised Messiah smiled and began to peel the banana and ate it. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad said that several times he stupidly asked his father not to eat the fruit for fear of his health, but all this time, the Promised Messiah continued to smile and eat the banana. He then afterwards told his son: “I just received a revelation (Urdu): “Cough has been removed”, and thus after receiving this revelation, his cough disappeared, enabling him to eat the banana.


Nowadays, we must honour the words and Islamic practices of the Promised Messiah by honouring firsthand the Holy Quran and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah does what He wills and nobody can object to the will of Allah. Even after me (Munir Ahmad Azim) will come to witness the coming of other pious people who will come from Allah to reform people and direct their heart towards the unicity of God, and to revive the dead who have died spiritually. They will also give comfort to those who firmly believe in the unicity of Allah, reassuring them that like Allah talked in the past, and is talking presently, thus Allah will continue to talk (to His chosen one) for all times.


I will now cite a poem which the Promised Messiah wrote where he addressed Allah as thus:


“O You the One to Whom my soul, my heart and my whole body is devoted, open for me the doors of Your revelations through Your grace and bounty. A philosopher who seeks You with his intelligence and logic in fact does not have any reasoning, for the secret path which lead to You is above all intelligence and logic. None of these people are not conscious of Your sacred presence; all those who have found it (the secret path), got it only by Your infinite bounty. Verily, You give both worlds to all those who love Your illumined Face; but in the eyes of Your servants and beloveds, these two worlds are nothing.” (Chashma-i-Massih)


Let us pray that all those who are present here and without forgetting our other brothers, sisters and children of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam who are abroad, that you all always remain firm in your faith in Allah and His chosen servant in this present era. Let us pray also that our progenies also received this same favour which we are witnessing in this era, and that they accept these divine manifestations which will continue to manifest till the Day of Judgment with a pure and sincere heart.


Let us continue to pray for the souls of the deceased Ahmadi Muslim couple Dr. Shiraz Ahmad Bajwa and Dr. Noreen Bajwa who were murdered on the 14th March in their home in Multan in the treacherous state of Pakistan. Their assailants tortured them before murdering them. We must feel for those who died for their Islam, for their true beliefs. May Allah have mercy on them and have mercy also of the sincere and pure Ahmadi Muslims who hold their faith in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) above all worldly considerations.


It is unfortunate that in such a so-called Islamic country, these kinds of people are committing acts of barbarism like the Qureish did with our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions. The day is not far when a severe punishment will seize Pakistan. Allah is leading them towards their destruction. Allah clearly says in the Holy Quran: “Laa Ikraaha fid-Deen” (No compulsion in religion) and also Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that Islam is a religion of tolerance. He also explained how to respect the faith of others. Tolerance in Islam is a virtue. Thus, these so-called Mullahs and the Pakistanis Government have fallen into baseness, whereby they do not hesitate to judge the faith of people and kill them, especially those who have believed in the Promised Messiah Ahmad (on him be peace). They trampled the true teachings of Islam, where they put forward their egoism and authority instead of giving the Book of Allah (the Quran) and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) preference. It is a shame for such a country like Pakistan, a so-called Islamic country, but when one sees or reads what is happening there, it is a real shame for the Ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). I already gave the Government of Pakistan a warning about the torture and killing of Ahmadi Muslims in its land, but they have turned a deaf ear to it. Now, I clearly warn them that if they continue to torture the Ahmadi brothers and sisters in Pakistan, then definitely the punishment of Allah will not be far from them. The punishment of Allah will fall upon them in a horrid way. I advise them to go and ask Allah for forgiveness and to reform their behaviour and conduct, and to stop torturing and stop killing the Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and to give them all their rights to practice their Deen-i-Islam, like the rest of the citizens of Pakistan and the Muslims of other sects. When the rights of one and all will be respected, when the Ahmadi Muslims’ faith will be respected, then Pakistan will gain back its light, where it will come out of darkness. If not, and if they turn their back to this warning, then their end in all aspects will come to materialise very soon!


Let us pray that the Community of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and humanity at large become at last a united community – One sole community – where “Laa-Ilaaha Illallah” will be foremost in their hearts. This was the wish of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) to see the world united under the banner of the unicity of Allah. With the permission and command of Allah, this is also my wish to see humanity as a whole turn towards the worship of only One God – Allah – and to worship Him alone Who is their True Friend.


May Allah the Almighty forgive us all and help us and enable us to remain firm with Him and His Messenger in all circumstances of our life. Ameen.