بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon




Munir Ahmad Azim

29 April 2011 ~


(25 Jamadal Awwal 1432 Hijri)



(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he said:


A man of God is a descent of spirit into form. Although all people are spiritual beings encased in mortal bodies, a man of God describes the manifestation of God in human form. People’s lives partake of the Divine Nature, but few manifest it. A man of God expresses divinity through his Rab (Lord). His earthly vocation is a sign of his divinely-inspired love for all people. He is the one who truly reflects the Divine nature through the will of God so as he can show to the people the real essence of their existence and the Source of their existence.


Generally, a man of God is described as a “coming down” from a higher status to a lower one, but this expression must not be mistaken with the stooping of a mother to a lower position when she hears her baby crying from its cradle. No! The stooping she does to retrieve the baby from the cradle so as to cater for its needs cannot be described as a “coming down”.


From age to age, when evil is rampant on earth, God sends him down as His Chosen One, His special envoy and Representative to protect righteousness from becoming extinct. He teaches the people to turn to God and reflect in themselves the Divine attributes God once purified them with; that is, upon their earthly birth.


A man of God purifies his soul through repentance, despite the fact that he is sinless. But it is to be reminded that though he may be sinless, but after all he remains human and thus is prone to human weaknesses and thus can make errors or faults. That is why, when he is beguiled by his own will, God reprimands him and puts him back on track. He is chided by God, but this chiding takes root from His intense love for him. Thereafter, He perfects him in His love and he is naturally made to curb to His will after better understanding His decree and goal. We have as example the story of Prophets Adam, Jonas, Moses, and David, only to mention a few.


A man of God comes to re-establish justice and spiritual order. After teaching the people how to purify themselves through repentance, he makes it a must to reverse the trend of social decline through the help of His Sender and Mentor, Almighty God. Whenever there is a dearth of guidance and the non-respect to spiritual duty and righteousness, the man of God appears to protect the spiritual structure of the universe. The manifestation of God in His elect is visible to one and all for the one He sends takes a human form like everyone else, but the difference is that His Chosen Man is guided by Him alone and takes instructions only from Him so as to guide the lost people back to the worship of God. Whenever evil threatens to vanquish good, the Man of God save it from decline, continuing his campaign to bring the people under the banner of the unity of God.


O people whenever evil threatens to overwhelm righteousness and whenever the true servants of God, thirsty of justice and peace pray for redemption, my Allah renew the path of spiritual endeavour. The call of those earnest aspirants draws the Lord to manifest Himself and make appear the essence of justice and reaffirmation of Godhood through the Man of God who preaches, announces good tidings and warns so that every commandment of the Lord is rendered clear for them.


It is a truth that whenever people, especially the saints and sages pray earnestly for the appearance of a Messenger of God, after much waiting God grants them their wish so as to repair the broken highway leading man to God. These people, the righteous and pious prayed… and I have come. I have come to show you the means to achieve God-realisation. Only by sending a human being like everyone that God can illustrate the right correct paths of action. If He were to send angels instead of humans on earth to preach His word, imagine the fear and insecurity people would feel at the descent of these angels, especially the avenging ones whenever man has gone astray and need to be put back on track. If there were angels residing on earth, definitely God would have sent an angel as Messenger to directly talk to the people and try to guide them on the right path. But as there are humans living on earth, then according to the laws of God established for this earthly life, He has to send a man like yourselves to guide you back to the worship of one God. It is only by living among you that I can encourage the aspirants to divine love to understand that love and cultivate it in themselves.  


I am of the essence of God just like you are all of the essence of God, but it so happens that after a given period of time spent on earth, when man deviates from his righteous destiny, Satan seizes his soul through deviant acts.


This is what happened in this era when a so-called Amir, from 1998 up to April 2011 manifests his evil qualities in such a way that havoc was made to be felt in Mauritius and London and every nook of the world through the injustice he meted out to a Man of God. Since 2001, much injustice, frauds and corruptions were in actuality because of what his hands and those of his coteries have wrought forward. They ruined the Community of the Promised Messiah, creating havoc and scandals, abusing of their power and authority to create hatred in the hearts of the Ahmadi brothers, sisters and even children against us. There are a lot of people who have willingly covered the filth of their so-called Amir, be it in Mauritius and in the United Kingdom. Hard work done throughout the years on neighbouring islands to establish the community of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) has been rendered futile, all because of these jealous evil schemers. With the duration of the post of this so-called Amir, the Jamaat Ahmadiyya which was established in Reunion, Seychelles and Mayotte or even in Rodrigues disappeared completely. He only cared about his personal advantage instead of caring for and strives for the prosperity of the Jamaat. He travelled worldwide with Jamaat’s money and even had his special pocket money for he took himself as the spiritual leader in the Jamaat. He travelled in the Jamaat car (for his personal use) and made use of many other privileges. He not only amused himself with Jamaat’s money but he exceeded all limits in abuse.


From a few of the following selected extracts of revelations and warnings given in my previous Friday Sermons and books, I, by the grace of God as His Elected Man have said:


“Allah says that they are working very hard to deviate the followers especially the weak ones. They think that they possess the power of the world. When a prophet comes, what do these people do, they try to weaken his faith, so as to stop the propagation of one God. They ignore that Allah has chosen him and he is a Rassool-Allah, a prophet of God, a Khalifatullah and a Massih’ullah. When Allah sends His Rassool, do you think he will walk on red, velvet carpet? Will he live a comfortable and easy life? When he stands alone firmly, steadily to proclaim himself as the prophet of God, everybody is against him except very few believe in him. Allah says that whatever strategy they apply to humiliate My prophet, Allah will never support them. Allah challenges them that if ever they take all the people in this world with them, all stand against My prophet, saying that they are the possessor of power, Allah says that when I am with my prophet no man can weaken My power. Allah is the Most-Powerful. Allah is the inflictor of punishment. He can send His punishment at any time. No one can save them, neither their wealth nor their children. No one can save them from the anger of Allah. Their punishment will be double as they cannot hear the words of Allah (REVELATION).” (Extract of Friday Sermon 01 February 2008)


“O the Pharaohs of this era – as from year 2001 – you have been doing all sorts of evil plans, talking behind our back, said all sorts of lies on the minbar of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I am thus addressing the so-called Amir and his Mullahs and the evil-doers and hypocrites who work in the Tabshir Office in London… Today is the first January 2010, I am thus addressing you O Pharaoh of this era because of what you have done; today is the first January; the number has changed place – 2001 has become 2010. The 1 which was after 0 has now come before 0. Go and seek refuge in your idols, and try to defend yourselves from the decree of Allah upon you. (Friday Sermon 01 January 2010)


“Allah (swt) has informed me that when I will preach His Divine Mission, I shall be opposed and persecuted but no opposition or persecution will be allowed to impede or arrest the progress of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, and that “signs foretelling the death and destruction of those who stood in the way of My Khalifatullah will become increasingly manifest. The time of the destruction of the enemies of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam (as) and the Muhyi-ud-Din Khalifatullah of this era, will remain hidden so that when the Divine punishment overtook them all of a sudden, they will become completely non-plussed and will not know what to do.(REVELATION 20 January 2010 @ 2.15pm ~ this revelation was freshly input on the main page of our website as soon as it was received.)


“…Ameen Jowahir and his friends do not ponder over the Quran and do not try to understand and realise the real purpose of the teachings of Islam; they lose their spiritual sight and hearing and begin to find fault with the other people who follow the Quranic teachings. These kinds of people, never like that any good should be sent down to the faithful from their Lord. A hypocrite is too wily a person to burn his boats. He faces both ways. He never talks straight and always indulges in ambiguous and equivocal speech so that it conveys one sense to one person and quite another sense to another person. It is to this crooked manner of speech that hypocrites adapt to and adopt. Insha-Allah, Almighty Allah will soon expose their double-facedness.”  (REVELATION from Allah, input in the Open Letter to Mr. Amine Jowahir ~ 04 April 2010)


 “Hypocrites are those who are attracted by their desires where they can take full control over everything. When they enter (the mosque), everyone sitting has to stand up and salute Mr. Hypocrite, the worldly king of the hypocrites. And they always wish that power lies always in their hands. But they ignore that their work is useless and fruitless both in this world and in the afterlife.


Despite Allah has given them all the blessings and favours, signs, and proofs of His manifestation, but unfortunately they cause division and disputes as if they know everything and as if they are always right.


These people will always face dishonour wherever they go. They have attracted the wrath of Allah upon them and they face many miseries because they have rejected the signs of Allah and ridiculed the prophet of Allah. By their misbehaviours, neither their wealth nor their children will save them. They are causing lots of troubles to their own soul.” (Extract of my book “The face of the Hypocrites”)


“Wait Mr. so-called Amir, I also am waiting along with you. Allah delay but never misses His target. You have got respite but for how long do you expect to remain at the head and robbing the Jamaat members of the money they contributed. They contributed it for Jamaat religious activities and other important developments, or for your own personal enrichment? For how long will these people remain blind of your true colours, the colours of a hypocrite, a double-language person, a schemer, a liar, a chaos creator (especially in the case of my expulsion from the Nizam-e-Jamaat along with Zafrullah Domun Saheb). For how long do you think that you shall do whatever you like? People like you are deprived of fear of Allah. Personally, I do not see that you even fear your Khalifa.”… “In the long run evil in the extreme will be the End of those who do evil; for that they rejected the Signs of God, and held them up to ridicule.” (Revelation) ~ (Extract of Friday Sermon 11 February 2011)


“…This so-called Amir thinks that he is eternal as Amir and that he is equally eternal on earth. Each of them is trying to cover for him so as not to let truth be victorious, and they are working hard so that their evil plots have the upper hand, but let me tell them that, come what may, this so-called Amir and his “big flies” protectors can never hinder the hand of Allah from seizing them soon – very soon. Thereupon they shall come to know that: One must never go against Allah and His prophet, for in the near future they are bound to be knocked out! And when they shall fall, this shall hurt a lot, when they shall not be able to rearrange themselves – there shall be no reparation!” (Extract of Friday Sermon 01 April 2011)


Moreover, Allah had vouchsafed me countless revelations (in the form of verses of the Holy Quran, texts and vision) about the downfall of this so-called Amir (and his yes-men), whereby He told me that there shall be some of them who shall be dragged into prison. Moreover, He told me in the beginning of the Divine Manifestation (in Creole): “I shall bring them to their destruction little by little, without them realising it.”


As a Man of God I am duty-bound to ask the fifth caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Worldwide the following questions:


How is it that:


1. Someone who did so much harm and frauds to the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) is still in the Jamaat?

2. The one who receives Divine Revelations is expelled out of the Jamaat while the criminal, the fraudulent people (including the so-called ex-Amir) is still in the Jamaat?

3. The ones who have believed in Divine Revelation have been expelled out of the Jamaat while the evil schemer and thief is still in the Jamaat?

4. The ones who believe in the recipient of Divine Revelations, boycott are levelled on them – not bidding them the Islamic salutations of peace and firm instructions are issued not to invite them in any functions much less family functions (like weddings et other moments of joys etc.)?

5. Thieves, fraudulent people (the leading figure being the ex-so-called Amir) and evil schemers are still being taken into consideration in the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) and no boycott is being put on him (and his acolytes)?

6. A fraud was committed; are you 100% sure that he was alone in this disgustful act? Are there not accomplices to his crime in this fishy affair? Shall you not do further profound enquiries to find out the truth of it all?

7. With such a grievous act and situation having been committed and witnessed, is it not the duty of a caliph of the Promised Messiah to dissolve the central committee in which the ex-so-called Amir presided over the years (of his crimes)?

8. You do not make an enquiry to uncover why these people have covered his dirt and reimburse the stolen money – (Oh I mean to say the money he took without permission! Poor him, he felt a dearth of money and decided to take a loan from the Jamaat funds without prior permission from the one above him!)? Was it that these people had so much love and friendship for him that they were ready to put everything at stake for their idol (the so-called Amir)? This situation is very fishy! Is there not something big (fishy) going on which you are not aware of?

9. Such like frauds are happening in the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace)? What are the treasurer and auditor doing? They say everything is alright, when nothing is alright. They feared Mr. Fraud more than Allah (the Almighty).


Remember, the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) had said in his book “The Testament” (pg.28) that he was not worried about his followers doing heroic deeds (up till a time) but he was more concerned about how the money of the community shall be run.


When on 27 January 2006 I sent an Open Letter (in Creole) to this so-called Amir and his acolytes, wherein I denounced him and the evil-plots he was hatching, Mr. Moussa Taujoo who was acting as replacement at that time, told all Ahmadis in his Friday Sermon to return to Munir the copies of his open-letter he sent to them; for this, the Jamaat had put to their disposal a big box to put the copies they received so that all these vulgar letters (towards their so-called Amir) be returned back to him.


Today I address myself to Mr. Moussa Taujoo who is the Vice-Amir, and who is presently replacing the so-called Amir (ousted out of this responsibility due to his crimes): I am still waiting for that box filled with all the copies of my open-letter which you put in the office as from 2006 and now we are in 2011 and what is funny in all this story is that Mr. Moussa Taujoo himself did not return back to me his own copy of the open-letter which I sent him!


Injustice in Jamaat’s affairs is not being resolved! There continues to be injustice. There are workers who toil night and day, but their salary is meagre especially in the difficult financial times we are living, while there are others who are avoiding their duties as workers of the Jamaat, are posing themselves as in-charges and are amusing themselves – gaining some Rs.24,000 to Rs.25,000 as salary. Where is justice in all this? I leave it to you to ponder over all the things I have bring forward in this sermon.


Insha-Allah next week I shall continue on the same subject. May Allah protect Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam from such filthy people, be them from outside the Jamaat or in the Jamaat, in the long-run. Insha-Allah. Ameen.