بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon




Munir Ahmad Azim

21 January 2011 ~


(16 Safar 1432 Hijri)


(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he said:


بَلْ كَذَّبُوا بِالْحَقِّ لَمَّا جَاءهُمْ فَهُمْ فِي أَمْرٍ مَّرِيجٍ ﴿6﴾ نَحْنُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يَقُولُونَ وَمَا أَنتَ عَلَيْهِم بِجَبَّارٍ فَذَكِّرْ بِالْقُرْآنِ مَن يَخَافُ وَعِيدِ ﴿46﴾

“Rather, they belied the truth when it came to them, and now they are in a state of confusion.” – “Indeed, We know what they say. You are not one to compel them. Therefore, remind by the Quran whosoever fears (My) threat.” (Quran 50 : 6 & 46)


It has come to my knowledge that questions have been raised by someone named Shaukat on my claim and another one from the Ahmadiyya Movement about the fact that Abdur Ghaffar Janbah Sahib had said the following about the claim of both the Musleh Maoud Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him) and this humble self, the Messiah and Caliph of Allah of this age.


I quote Abdul Ghaffar Janbah sayings:


“Be obvious that like in ummat-e-Muhammadiyya in Ahmadiyyat, the continuation of that succession of general reformation which was begun according to the blessed words of Rasool Allah‫ , Insha-Allah it will remain continued till Qiyamat. However, in accordance with the revelation and words of Mirza sahib’s, there is only and only one Promised Reformer’s glad tiding is present for the time to come, whom Allah the Most High called Zaki Ghulam in His words. Hadhur has given the name of Musleh Maud to his Zaki Ghulam. After Mirza Sahib, in Ahmadiyyat, this Musleh Maud has to appear at the head of fifteenth century. According to respected Shabeeb Haneef and also on the web site of Munir Ahmad Sahib (Jama’at Sahih Ul Islam) the claim of his being Khalifa-tullah, Massih Maud and being Mujaddid are present. Now the question is that, does Munir Ahmad Sahib claim to be Promised Zaki Ghulam (Musleh Maud)? If he does claim to be Musleh Maud in Jama’at Ahmadiyya, so then before him the claim of khalifa Sani of being Musleh Maud is also present in Jama’at Ahmadiyya. About Munir Ahmad Sahib, I have also been told that he says that Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad Sahib was Musleh Maud first and he is Musleh Maud second. But be clear that in Ahmadiyyat there are not two Musleh Maud. Now the question is among the claims of Khalifa Sani and Munir Ahmad Sahib, whose claim is based on truth? Never forget it, when by keeping the difference of “Musleh” (Reformer) and “Musleh Maud” (Promised Reformer) in mind, if Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad was the true Musleh Maud, thus in Jama’at Ahmadiyya any other cannot be Musleh Maud. If Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Ahmad claim of being Musleh Maud was based on falsehood, so then this true Musleh Maud therefore is to appear and also people of Jama’at should wait for him. This is to be remembered that when that Musleh Maud will appear, he will not only present claim without proof or Ilhami claim on the contrary other than his claim he would have Ilhami, scientific and absolute proof of his truthfulness. Here it is my appeal that if Munir Ahmad Sahib of Mauritius who is “claimant of Musleh Maud second” or any other Ahmadi from Qadiyani Group, according to Prophecy Musleh Maud, to prove that Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad as Musleh Maud then I will not only admit defeat on his hand rather I will pay him penalty according to my capability. But if Munir Ahmad Sahib or any other Ahmadi cannot prove Mirz Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud as Musleh Maud, therefore, after becoming false the claim of “Musleh Maud First” Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad not only Munir Ahmad Sahib own claim of being “Musleh Maud Second” become false, on the contrary his other claims are also become false. Remember, anyone can make claim without proof or Ilhami claim without proof and it has no importance. Any claim can only be considerable in that case when claimant will have Ilhami proof or sign of truthfulness. Revelations though whatever are in numbers cannot be proof. I hope that my brief reply will be enough for respected Shabeeb Haneef.”


The fundamental and core essence of the teachings of Islam and Sunnat Allah is that all Messengers of Allah who have come in the past have confirmed one another without exception. They are without doubt like the links of a chain, one confirming the other. Likewise, my proclamation as Promised Messiah, Khalifatullah and Mujaddid are not separate from the claims of the past prophets, reformers and caliphs of Allah and even the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) and his biological and spiritual pious progeny Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him).


If you read the interview online which late Janaab Mubashar Dar Sahib (May Allah forgive him) had taken of this humble self, you will note that I have already quoted a vital comment of the first (biological) Musleh Maoud of the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) in that which Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him) has said, I quote:


“Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (r.a) said in a meeting at Hoshiarpur on the 20th February 1944: I do not say that I am the only Promised One and that no other promise one will appear till the Day of Judgement. It appears from the prophecies of the Promised Messiah that some other promised ones will also come and some of them will appear after centuries. Indeed, God has told me that at one time He will send me a second time to the world and I will come for the reform of the world at a time when association with God will have become widespread. This means that my soul will, at some time, descend upon someone who will possess faculties and capacities like mine and he will, following in my footsteps, bring about a reform of the world. Thus, promised ones will appear in their due times according to the promise of God Almighty.” (Ref: Ahmadiyyat Renaissance of Islam by Sir Zafrullah Khan p.293-294)


So, the bizarre (strange) happening in the claimant of the person of Janbah sahib is that (1) he does not quote the actual revelations which Allah has given him – he cites only the prophecies of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) and pinpoints out the fact that the son which the Promised Messiah talked about is him, a spiritual son, and (2) he quotes the fact that from the prophecies of the Promised Messiah, Allah gave him (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) the good news of a pious son after the birth of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him).


My dear brothers and sisters, when someone stands and takes the sacred name of Allah, that he comes from Allah, then his affair rests between him and Allah alone. Likewise, Janbah Sahib has he also taken the name of Allah and claimed what he is claiming (like other claimants of revelation), and he thinks that only him is that pure son promised to the Promised Messiah. He needs to read profoundly the Holy Quran and the Hadiths and also a vital book of the Promised Messiah “The need of the Imam” where the Promised Messiah exposed the relevance and conditions of the Imam of the age. I fear for Janbah Sahib that he does exactly what Balaam (a prominent Israelite and recipient of divine revelations) does when he was confronted with the superiority of Hazrat Musa (upon him be peace), the Chosen Prophet of Allah of his time. Balaam thought that he alone is to be regarded as superior because of his communion with Allah, but when he met someone who was more immersed in the divine favours and who was protected by Allah against all opponents, then inevitably Balaam was destroyed when he waged “war” against Allah’s Chosen prophet, Hazrat Musa (upon him be peace). Likewise, there is the example of the scribe of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when the latter used to dictate the words of revelations he was receiving, before the Prophet (peace be upon him) could utter a word, the scribe quoted some words which the Prophet confirmed as these being in fact the actual revelations that he was receiving. Thus, when the scribe saw this state of affairs, he thought himself to be superior to the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him), lost faith and turned his back to him and the Divine Manifestation.


I have come, both as a spiritual son of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and as a spiritual son of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) and Allah did called me Musleh Maoud on the 20th February 2004. Allah promised me also that He shall elevate my honour stage by stage (step by step) and from being a Qamaram Munira, he elevated me as Khawja Nooruddin, Amir’ul Momeneen, Muhyi-ud-Din, Musli-ud-Din, Khalifatullah, Rassoolullah (like published on Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam website) and Nabi’ullah – all of these titles and honour pertaining to one fundamental task – not to fight with others about the honours which Allah has poured down upon this humble self and to justify myself – but to deliver the message of Allah, to reform the world and make it return back to the worship of Allah (twa) alone, leaving behind their idols.


My task is only like I have received several times throughout these twelve years, as a Bashir, a Nazir and a Mubasshir. I have come to warn. I do not have the power to change hearts. Changing the states of heart belongs only to Allah alone. I have come not as an intellectual but rather as a personification (the second coming) of my beloved master Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) as prophesied in Surah Jumu’ah. I have no extraordinary academic qualifications but it is my Allah my Teacher and Guide. It is Him who has raised me as His humble Messenger and this claim, I do it without any fear for why fear man when Allah is the One who has raised me and Who is my Guardian?


To refute in brief what Janbah Sahib has said about his claim as the only Musleh Maoud… What is the meaning of “Musleh Maoud”: Promised Reformer! The Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) was himself a Musleh Maoud in that which he was the spiritual son of Nabi-Kareem Muhammad (peace be upon him), and that is a fact and truth which cannot be denied. The meaning of words is vital when analysing a prophecy. Some prophecies (from divine source) are partly literal and some others are metaphorical.


The Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) did received his promised biological son who proved to be later on Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him), not as originally thought from a third wife but from his second wife. The prophecy of third wife having been annulled, but Allah decided that despite this annulment, the prophecy in respond of his duah to beget a pious son cannot be annulled (“This is a matter decreed”)” for Allah knows quite well that a time will soon come when a reformer would be needed for the needs of Islam Ahmadiyya and the Muslim world as a whole.


Not only did the second caliph of the Ahmadiyya Movement came as an elected caliph by man, but later on Allah elevated his rank to that of promised reformer as per the promise He gave to His Messiah. And that son was prominent and very intelligent, but like Janbah Sahib precised, there was to be another pious (pure) son who was to come and inevitably that son was to be the Spiritual son of the Promised Messiah. (and this was confirmed through the words of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him) whereby he says that Allah gave him the revelations that there shall be other Promised Ones et there will be even his (the Musleh Maoud) second coming etc. – in other words, an elect of Allah confirming another elect of Allah).


Many humans in the past epochs enjoyed communion with Allah through their piety and deep connection (through prayer and meditation) to Allah but yet, not all of them became prophets or even a reformer for their religion. Many common people also, devout Muslims in our epoch (who do not believe in Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) have witnessed great visions and true dreams on Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), with the Prophet of Allah talking to them and reassuring them. Thus, claims cannot be based on dreams and visions alone, but revelations of a dense intensity coming from Allah like heavy rain is a sure proof, more than revelations received by other people but which is not so profound or great in number. I dare say that Allah vouchsafes me countless revelations. Insha-Allah, everything has an appointed time and these revelations will be published as per the instructions of Allah the Almighty, not as per the wishes of man!


Indeed Messengers are also tried a lot by Allah, and it may be so that such times come and revelations of Allah do not descend for a certain of time, to such an extent that the Prophet and the believers asks when the help of Allah, revelations and reassurance of Allah shall come. Indeed the appointed time shall come and it is through the Victory of Allah that I, the Messenger of Allah of this era shall be victorious. Insha-Allah. Allah reassured me on this subject during the time of my proclamation as Khalifatullah in 2008 (25 May before Tahajjud prayer), where He told me (in a vision/dream – in my mother tongue) that it is I alone (the Khalifatullah & Massih’ullah) who’s claim is true whereas the others proclaiming themselves as Messiah are false. The voice was directly the voice of Allah talking to me.


Pertaining to the revelation of “Pure Son” being a “Promised Reformer” (Musleh Maoud) vouchsafed to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) – 20 February 1886 – Allah revealed:


“I confer upon thee a Sign of My mercy according to thy supplications. I have heard thy entreaties and have honoured thy prayers with My acceptance through My mercy and have blessed this thy journey. A sign of power, mercy, nearness to Me is bestowed on thee. A Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to thee and thou art granted the key of success and victory. Peace on thee, O victorious one. Thus does God speak so that those who desire life may be rescued from the grip of death and those who are buried in the graves may emerge therefrom and so that the superiority of Islam and the dignity of God's word may become manifest unto the people and so that the truth may arrive with all its blessings and falsehood may depart with all its ills, and so that people may understand that I am the Lord of Power, I do whatever I will, and so that they may believe that I am with thee, and so that those who do not believe in God and deny and reject His religion and His Book and His Holy Messenger Muhammad, the chosen one (on whom be peace) may be confronted with a clear sign and the way of the guilty ones may become manifest.


“Rejoice, therefore, that a handsome and pure boy will be bestowed on thee. Thou wilt receive a bright youth (Zaki Ghulam) who will be of thy seed and will be of thy progeny. A handsome and pure boy will come as your guest. His name is Emmanuel and Bashir. He has been invested with a holy spirit and he will be free from all impurity. He is the light of Allah. Blessed is he who comes from heaven. He shall be accompanied by grace (Fazl) which shall arrive with him. He will be characterized with grandeur, greatness and wealth. He will come into the world and will heal many of their disorder through his Messianic qualities and through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. He is the Word of Allah for Allah's mercy and honour have equipped him with the Word of Majesty. He will be extremely intelligent and understanding and will be meek of heart and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge. He will convert three into four (of this the meaning is not clear). It is Monday, a blessed Monday. Son, delight of heart, high ranking, noble; a manifestation of the First and the Last, a manifestation of the True and the High; as if Allah has descended from heaven. His advent will be greatly blessed and will be a source of manifestation of Divine Majesty. Behold! a light cometh, a light anointed by God with the perfume of His pleasure. We shall pour our spirit into him and he will be sheltered under the shadow of God. He will grow rapidly in stature and will be the means of procuring the release of those held in bondage. His fame will spread to the ends of the earth and peoples will be blessed through him. He will then be raised to his spiritual station in heaven. This is a matter decreed. (Compilation of the revelations of the Promised Messiah – Tazkirah by Sir Zafrullah Khan)


In the aftermath of this revelation, the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) in the light of divine revelation said that this son would be born in the space of nine years and if there remains only one day left, that prophecy would be realised. In the book “Ahmadiyyat Renaissance of Islam” from P.289-300, Sir Zafrullah Khan has detailed the several speeches (of Open Proclamation) which Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (May Allah be pleased with him) made after he related a true vision/dream vouchsafed to him by Allah about him being the Promised One, the Pure Son and Promised Reformer as mentioned in the prophecy of 20 February 1886. He proclaimed clearly that: I do not say that I am the only Promised One and that no other promise one will appear till the Day of Judgement. It appears from the prophecies of the Promised Messiah that some other promised ones will also come and some of them will appear after centuries.”


He clearly stated from his vision that he said: “I am the Promised Messiah, his reflection and his Khalifa” (thus the confirmation of this part of the prophecy “through his Messianic qualities and through the blessings of the Holy Spirit”). He took the name of Allah and Allah despite all sorts of dangers, plots and attempts on his life Allah made him live long enough to prove that he was that Zaki Ghulam (Pure Son), that “a bright youth” who will be of the seed of the Promised Messiah (biological) and will be of his progeny (both biological and spiritual) and who will be born within the nine years specified through revelation.


As for the explanation of the word “guest”, in addition to the explanation of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace), it must be borne in mind that every messenger, prophet or reformer is a guest in this world (like all humans actually!) but more so for elects of Allah for when their mission is finished, they are made to leave this world to join their eternal abode. A serious point which must be taken into account in the case of the first Promised Son and Reformer of the Promised Messiah is that he incurred a severe plunge of knife or dagger in the neck by an enemy of his in congregational prayer. The enemies of Islam Ahmadiyya took this as cement for their argument that Allah had seized him “by his jugular veins” as the verse of the Holy Quran specifies (69 : 45-48), but it must be borne in mind, that had he died on the spot (for the Quranic verse mentions: “We would certainly have cut off his aorta”), the enemies of Islam would have got a further outbursts of arguments in favour of their hatred against this noble personality in Islam. When this attack happened in 1954, it was a real miracle that he survived such a serious attack and lived for another 11 years. Now, if this is not the hand of Allah operating in maintaining his life, despite the attempts of murder against him, then what is it? He lived for 76 years on earth, doing great works for Islam, and was blessed with both divine revelations and divine inspirations, having angels coming to him to inspire him some of the excellent commentary of the Holy Quran of his time. His Khilafat was also for an exceptional duration of 52 years.


By the grace of Allah, in this epoch, I have been bestowed the ability from Allah to comment the Holy verses of the Quran and to bring forward a whole Tafsir (Commentary) which shall Insha-Allah, step by step be published on its website (al-azim-tafsir-ul-quran.org).


Every Messenger of Allah is bound by the previous prophets and reformers. In Islam, there has never been a moment when the Promised Messiah (to prove himself as Envoy of God) has rejected the Mujaddids of the past eras (unlike Janbah Sahib who is adamant in rejecting the claim of the first Musleh Maoud of the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) and who thus break the chain of elects of Allah).


Unlike the claims of Janbah Sahib, my work does not end with the Ahmadi Muslims but rather it is a universal work, a universal and heavy responsibility on my shoulder to guide aright the whole mankind, irrespective of race, colour, ethnic etc. As the work of my master (peace be upon him) was universal, so Allah bestowed the relay for the revivification of Islam and humanity as a whole to this humble self, as the Khalifatullah. In this capacity, I am both a representative of Allah and that of His most noble prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and I am also an obedient servant of the previous Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) and my venue as Messiah confirms his claim and is never in contradiction with him.


Once (on 9th April 2003) Allah told me about those who believe in me and who follow me sincerely:


“...O Munir Azim! Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant, but it is difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial.


I am happy that I could converse now with you at any time. Never condemn yourselves as inferior or useless. You should have muscles of iron and nerves of steel, for the crop of life, courage and confidence are the best manure. Be like lions in the spiritual fields, rule over the forest of the senses and roam fearlessly with full faith in victory. Be Heroes, not Zeroes. Please Munir Azim, don’t have fear of people, give your blessing to those people whom you love very much, I will bless them. If you love them, I also will love them”


I rest my affair with Allah. Allah knows well that He has sent me to the world for the reform of the world and to guide people to Him. I hope and pray that this bit of explanation acts as an eye-opener for you all, not only as an eye-opener, but also a heart-opener to the ways of Allah.


“O ye people! If it is truth thou seek, truth shall thou findest, but let it not be that when the light of truth cometh to your knowledge, thy heart closest to the perfection of it all!” (Divine Revelation on 11 January 2011).


It is my sincere wish and duah, that every human could beneficiate from the blessings that Allah is pouring upon us in this era, but I humbly know that unfortunately, it is not so. People sometimes act in ignorance and reject the truth which Allah has given them as a gift in the form of His divine revelations. Today, we are living in such an era, in which Allah has favoured us humans with such a blessing.


Like a spiritual father, I care for my children, and pray to Allah, that they may heed the message of Allah and not turn their backs to this and to take the divine counsels which pours down through revelations in mockery.


Allah is more caring and loving than any human being. His love for us is very great, but when man stoop down to his raw passions and turn away from Allah, then no one is as hurt as Allah, the Creator. Then, with the same force which He sent His love and blessings, this time He manifest Himself through His wrath on those kind of people.


Like the history of all prophets, including the life story of our Beloved Master Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the life story of Hazrat Massih Ma’oud Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) has demonstrated us; their lives are proofs for us today that Allah raises whosoever He wants and appoint him as His Khalifa. Alhamdulillah my claim as Khalifatullah and Amir’ul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din stands firm even today, stronger than ever with the Mercy of our Rab, our Beloved Allah.


Allah has sent me as an instrument (like stipulated in the Quran) to revive the true Faith. I have come not only for Muslims (including Ahmadi Muslims) but also for the whole mankind as a Warner and a Bearer of Glad Tidings.


It is most unfortunate, that even though Allah has blessed Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s Jamaat with Revelations (through common people), now that He has raised His very own Servant as His Reviver of all Faiths, His Messenger, the very establishment of Jamaat Ahmadiyya have rejected this sign of Allah and it is this very sign which is proof to the veracity of the coming of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Massih Ma’oud Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace) – May Allah be pleased with both of them and all prophets who have come from Allah to preach His word.


When Allah sends a Messenger, if the people who hears about his presence and have faith in him for the love of Allah and do not turn their backs to his claim and grip themselves to the truth in his claim and perfect their spiritual life through dedication to Allah and His Rassool (peace be upon him) and the Rassool of their era, then definitely Allah will not turn His back to those kind of people who have sincere love of Allah in their heart. They also (to confirm the veracity of His Elect) receive divine revelations (like in the epoch of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and that of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (upon him be peace)). Likewise, many of my disciples have received countless divine signs and manifestation, true dreams and even revelations from Allah, many of whom despite witnessing them turned their backs to the verities of Allah and the veracity of this humble self.


One of them once saw a dream in which he was looking at the sky and therein he found the moon splitting into two and one half of the moon became a pen (ancient style – feather of bird) and the pen was writing words of revelations in Arabic in the sky about the truthfulness of this humble self and about some prophecies concerning me (that he understood from the revelations in Arabic). The revelations in the sky pertained to the fact that Munir Ahmad Azim is truly from Allah and that in my descendants there shall be prophet/s who shall come. Thereupon seeing the words of revelations writing on its own in the sky, quickly the dreamer took something to write down what he was seeing. While writing (or after writing) the revelations, he said: “Munir Azim vrai alors!” (creole), which means “Munir Azim is true then!”


There was another one who related to me and the members of the then Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen that he saw some bottles floating on the sea and that in one of the bottles, there was written that the Messiah has come (in French). His wife dreamt that she and her sister had died and were presented before Allah and due to the fact that they have believed in Allah’s Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Azim, Allah had given them milk (of an exquisite nature) to drink. Now both man and wife have turned their backs to the truth they themselves witness personally.


Likewise each disciple of mine of the then Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen cannot say that Allah has not given them a single divine sign in support of my claim, but now where are they? Behold! They shall have to answer back to Allah and when the time shall come they cannot say that Allah had not showed them anything in this humble self’s support. But despite these, Allah continues to bless my present disciples and regularly they receive such dreams which are filled with the light of Allah, angels come to speak to them and they feel and see the presence of Allah and the angels besides them. They have also dreamt of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) and they also have received revelations in their visions that “Munir Ahmad Azim is the Messiah of this era”. Many a times, blessed dreams are bestowed upon them where they see the dignified status to which Allah has raised this humble self and they have personally got good news from Allah (to some extent) what shall be their own future (the blessing of Allah upon them etc.). It is to be precised that not only men received revelations but also the ladies and young girls where they are divinely inspired and wherein words of divine revelations are revealed to them. Moreover, they are made to see a special rain falling upon them and this humble self and the congregation of the pious (which is invisible to the eyes of others), they witness the manifestation of exquisite perfumes (not of this world) and they see the name of Allah everywhere Allah wants them to see His Holy name (be it on this humble self, in the sky, in the branches and leaves of trees, on the table, curtains, on themselves, on the Prayer mat, in the Mosque etc.). Their dreams are so poignant with the grace and divine manifestation in confirmation of my claim as Messenger and Caliph of Allah that no doubts is left behind as to the manifestation of Allah upon this humble self and on them as the disciples of Munir Ahmad Azim, the Promised Reformer, Messiah and Messenger of Allah. One of them some months back even dreamt that for a funeral procession, tens of thousands people (nearly all in white) were present and amongst them was the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Prophet was none other than myself and that I (the second coming of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)) was receiving divine revelations and my (unknown) close male disciples were by my side (all in white) to spread the words of the revelations to the people (my disciples) who were present in the funeral procession (the tens of thousands of people). Our Hazrat Ummul Momeneen Sadr Sahiba has personally witness I dare say thousands of signs in support of this humble self. She was even blessed by the grace of Allah with nearness of Allah and was called the “beloved of Allah” because she believes in this humble self. Allah elevated her through revelations, visions and dreams whereby she even heard voices from the Unseen who foretold her about some matters. Her son Mahroom Seid Ahmad himself was recipient of many dreams, one of which was that he found himself before his computer and on the computer screen he found written words (which form a computer background) and these words were “Munir Azim” (filling the background of the computer) and at the front level there were a list of the revelations which I received from Allah and at the end of the electronic page of the list of revelations, there was being typed on the computer: “FOR PUBLICATION!”


Recently, another of my close disciple related to me that in answer to his duahs pertaining to my veracity, Allah gave him three dreams. Once he saw that my title Muhyi-ud-Din/Mujaddid was in the Quran (as the title of a Surah) and another time he dreamt such a dream filled with divine light and spirituality whereby he saw a very beautiful (spiritual) bird of unknown species and when he checked in the interpretation of dreams (by Ibn Sireen) he found out that it represents an angel of Allah and Allah showed him such a passage from the writings of the Promised Messiah (as) Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad where he was talking about the descent of angels in the times of a Messenger of Allah… Like this there are many other divine manifestations by the grace of Allah. 


As long as you my disciples keep firm with this humble self, Allah shall doubled and even treble His blessings upon you, but mind you, Satan is the arch-enemy of Allah and that of His Messenger, thus keep firm and guard your faith against unfaith, doubts and revolt for if ever you follow the footsteps of Satan, therefore all the divine favours shall be removed from you.


Carve yourselves in the image of Abu Bakr Siddique, the devoted companion of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The moment he heard from the mouth of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) that indeed he was the Messenger of Allah, on the spot he accepted him and promise Allah and his Rassool fidelity (through Baiat). He was not in need of any sign and did not ask any question. Suffice for him was the example of the life of his beloved friend, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) to believe firmly that Allah has indeed raised him as His Messenger. And thus afterwards, because of this firm Imaan in Allah and His Rassool (peace be upon him) he was referred to as a “Siddique” – The one who professes the truth. – Here the truth is the claim of Allah that He has definitively (without doubt) sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) as His Messenger and that as Allah is the TRUTH (Al-Haqq), then His Rassool is the representative of Al-Haqq and those who follows the truth which lies in the path of Al-Haqq, will be definitely referred to as Siddique in the eyes of Allah as mentioned in Surah An-Nisah V.70. Allah mentioned 4 degrees which a Momin (believer) can achieve in His eyes (Swaley, Shaheed, Siddique & Nabi)


Even if the whole world reject me (except a few who are sincere with Allah), nevertheless my claim as the Servant of Allah, His Muhyi-ud-Din, Khalifatullah and Messenger of Allah stands true. One day, in the beginning of the Divine Manifestation on this humble one, Allah told me in my native tongue (creole): “If tomorrow the world (everybody) leaves you, but Allah is with you, then everything is with you. If the world (everybody) is with you but if Allah is not with you, nothing is with you”. It is my humble prayer that Allah continues to be with me in every situation, be it in every persecution, trial and even moments of joy for Allah will be definitely with the one whom He has raised and will protect him against all His enemies and shall make Islam prosper through His Messenger, even if the world denies such a Servant of God.


It is a honour for the Ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and for the community of Hazrat Massih Maoud (upon him be peace) that Allah has raised this humble one as a Warner amongst you – Should you all follow the guidance from Allah, Alhamdulillah for Allah does not need us but on the contrary it is us who NEEDS Allah very much. Our lives, death, drink, food, shelter, honour etc... are all found in the hands of Allah.


Should people follow the guidance from Allah, this will be a good for them and Allah will love them like He did with those who came in the past but along with glad tidings of the Unicity of Allah and the favours of Allah, there is also the fierce warning from Allah, that should one ridicule Allah’s sign and mock at His Messengers, he/she’s consequences will be very bad.


Someone who comes from Allah is not made to walk on this earth amongst rose petals, but he is made to walk amongst the pricks and thorns in “Siratwal Mustaqeem” (the Righteous Path). My life is witness to that in that which all sorts of blames were levelled on this humble self, my honour till today is sullied by so-called Muslims (be them from the Ahmadiyya Movement and other non-Ahmadi Muslims) who take pleasure to invent all sorts of blames to attack my honour just like for my master the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and just like him, I know that the evil-minded among people shall cause these blames to persist for years after my death, but the moment will come when Allah shall efface the blames and return back their mockeries and blames upon themselves and Allah Himself shall become my Honour, for if on Allah and His noble and perfect Prophet (peace be upon him) people had not hesitated to level blames upon, how can I, weak person as I am, expect to receive a different treatment especially when I am proclaiming loud and clear that I have come from Allah and I have been commissioned by Him as a Warner unto the world?


“O people, I am only a plain Warner to you” (revelation)


If anyone thinks that Allah will not help him (His Messenger) in this world and the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the sky and try to cut (that help). Then let him see whether his plan will remove that which enrages him! (22 : 16)


May Allah enlighten your hearts and make you all subservient to Him alone, the Lord of the Worlds. May you remain firm in the Divine Manifestation and may the seekers of truth perceive the light of Allah in this era and embrace it. Ameen.



Insha-Allah, the whole refutation (to the questions asked by several people) will be available in form of a booklet.