Text Box: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Friday Sermon


Munir Ahmad Azim
11 March 2011 ~

(05 Rabi’ul Aakhir 1432 Hijri)

(Summary of Friday Sermon) 

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and talked for some minutes on the Independence of the country (tomorrow 12 March 2011 ~ 43 years), and then he said:

Since some time we are constantly witnessing the emergence of newer and so-said social networking which is to connect people all round the world with colleagues, friends, family etc. Facebook, being the major e-company to have the larger part of the social networking market has over 500 million people connected to it. Created in 2004, it has over the years become so popular that now all and sundry have access to it, and instead of doing good use of such internet and communication facilities, people are more and more sharing such vital information and personal photos, including intimate and even indecent ones which makes a fracas to morality and decency and it questions the purpose of religion and the responsibility of religious leaders to bar such en masse decadence. 

It is a pity that the Ahmadiyya youths have fallen prey to such attractions, and it is even more a pity that their caliph cannot make them leave these sites and concentrate on more religious matters. As a matter of fact, religious matters have become secondary, while mundane attractions, such as chatting, involving oneself in illicit relationships, through public chats with Non-Mahram women and men; all these are the truth which have unfortunately seized the once pure Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) and the Muslim Community as a whole. The decadence of the Ahmadi people is ever on the front. The Jamaat which was once pure from all impurities and blemishes have gotten out of hand because of the people inside it who have turned to mockery the vital teachings of Islam. Ahmadi parents are no longer the guides of their children. Instead these parents let their children do everything they like and when it is too late, they are powerless to guide aright their children, and remove them from such evils such as drugs, music, consumption of alcoholic drinks, pornographic businesses, and gambling. 

Till this day, Ahmadi parents indulge their children in whatever they like, and even let them free to roam the internet, and get into contact with non-Islamic literature and information. It is a fact now that Facebook, along with netlog, Hi5, and a lot more social networks are such a base for all these kinds of unislamic involvement that the situation is becoming quite alarming, be it for the Ahmadi Muslims and the other Muslims as well. 

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has said: “The best of your youth are those who resemble your old people; and the worst of your old people are those who resemble your young people.” (Kanzul ‘Ummal, Hadith 43058)

Now, youth is a period of ignorance and obsession, and thus, if a young person succeeds in combating his passions and disregards the attractions of this world so as to seek God and His pleasure, such a one not only has done one of the greatest Jihad (to control his inner self) but he accomplishes such an exploit, which encourages him to further his good example into the full bloom of manhood or womanhood. That is what the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) means when he said that: “The best of your youth are those who resemble your old people”, for the old people are viewed as wiser people, having undergone the harsh experiences of life and knew better as to the need to approach God instead of indulging in this very temporary world. 

The next part of the Hadith however is an eye-opener as what is happening to not only the youths of this century but also the elders or old people. Nowadays, the tendency is for middle-aged or even old people to hide their looks and poise as young people, feeling young and getting the grip of youth, and such sites like Facebook brings them to the front as to what is forbidden for them as per the sayings of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him):  “the worst of your old people are those who resemble your young people.” Each category of people should stick to their own degree of agedness. Old people copying young people, especially in indecency and evils – now this is very condemnable in Islam, but if these elders or old people take what is good from the good example of young people, now this is a different matter. But all in all, Muslim youths are encouraged to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) and to follow to the letter the wisdom of the Holy Quran. 

Facebook: the name itself says it all, for one has to present to the world one’s face or body parts, or other picture to depict and describe oneself to other interested parties. This social network calls for connection with friends. If someone wants to connect to another person, even though the other person does not know him or her, therefore, the connected party can either refuse or add the guest as friend. Unfortunately, strangers are befriended nowadays on a daily basis on such sites, and it gathers together girls, boys, women and men of all age group, and put them in such a frenzy that they cannot go without Facebook or connecting with their friends in other social networks. Ahmadi people, be them old or young are connected to such sites, and readily portray themselves in different photos to be accessed by all their “friends” and I must say that these friends are: (1) not all of them Ahmadi or Muslims (in general), (2) All pictures are allowed for the users to input as their profile photos. Thus, if someone, let’s say a Christian (or any other religion) who have liberated ideals, and who portrays herself or himself half-naked, then if this person connects to let’s say a religious community Facebook user (for example, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community), then all and sundry, be them Ahmadi and others get access to all these degrading photos (profile photos), even if the said liberated person entered the Facebook profile of the said religious body to obtain information on religious issues. But the “face” of the whole “book” is visible for all users to see, especially if the religious community Facebook profile is for public viewing, (3) Moreover, when one clicks on one user (even if their photos are respectable (Islamic)), but if one clicks on the friends list of these so-called respectable persons, one would find that his or her friends are not so respectable, and thus this forms a vicious circle, and thus religious bodies which have connected them with Facebook face such dilemma, and that is also true for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community which supposedly has for foundation the Islamic teachings and the additional explanations on Islam given by the Promised Messiah (on him be peace). 

It is a shame that known Ahmadi Muslims are much alive and present in Facebook, portraying their photos and in society, they are foremost considered as very good Ahmadi people but if one looks at their activities on social networking, one would be appalled at their anti-islamic mentality, and this applies for both the young and old ones, who like the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) specified try to imitate the youths so that they also may be considered as on the same level as them. Instead of saving these ignorant youths from such dangers which social networking represent (more evils than good!) these elders and parents are readily lending them a helping hand in casting them alive in the fire of hell, both in this life and in the life to come. 

The Ahmadi people relies on the “eternal” institution of Ahmadiyya Caliphate; they think more or less like the Christians who say that they can indulge in all sorts of sins, because Jesus Christ has borne the weight of the world’s whole sins; that the suffering which he had undergone, now the Christians are free from all sins and can indulge in whatever they like (and forbidden) for they shall be forgiven by the Christ afterward. Likewise the Ahmadi people have reached more or less the same frame of thoughts, by deluding themselves into believing that their caliph is their intercessor to Allah, that their caliph is their visa to Paradise. Thus, whatever they do, they have a caliph to endorse the blame upon or whatever excuse they use to extricate themselves of all situations. But the fifth caliph as he says so himself, extricate himself from such ideas which the Ahmadi Muslims have on him by saying (in response to a letter dated 16 May 2010), I quote: “Dear Abdul Aleem Sahib, I have received your letter raising your concern about the various social sites on Internet which are instrumental in young people engaging in immoral friendships. Site like Facebook, twitter and others are all wrong and inappropriate. I am constantly addressing this subject and cautioning the Jamaat about engaging in these sites, but if people are least bothered and themselves wish to destroy their integrity, what can one do? Yours Sincerely, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V.”

It is clearly evident that the fifth caliph of the Ahmadiyya Community cannot be held responsible for the abased acts of his followers, yet, the Ahmadi Muslims are adamant to take the words of their caliph (the negative instructions) as the words of the Gospels, but as for the good advices, they turn their backs to them, preferring to take their caliph as an “excuse” to commit evil. But the fact remains that the fifth caliph of the Ahmadiyya Community said “what can one do?” Oh, a lot can be done! When his so-called Amir of Mauritius informed his predecessor and himself about this humble self receiving revelation from Allah, what did both caliphs do? One expelled this humble self from the Community and the other think that his predecessor has done the right thing and think himself (as the caliph of the messiah) to be the one rightly-guided and from divine waters. And he says, “What can one do?” – Why doesn’t this caliph (being head of a divine community as he puts it) take severe actions against the Ahmadi “faces” of this Facebook Saga? When someone says he comes from Allah, he ignores him and the divine message and thinks himself to be superior, and now he admits he is powerless when on the other hand the Ahmadi Muslims take him as All-Powerful and make other Ahmadi people fear him lest he takes such actions to expel them from the Jamaat. And now, he says he cannot do anything if these people want to head towards their own destruction! Humanly speaking, to each his responsibility in action, but as the head of a Jamaat by human elections, instead of sitting down and doing nothing to bring about a reform in the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace), why doesn’t him do a profound analysis and research of all Ahmadi Muslims which are Facebook users and are present in other social networks? Why doesn’t he expel them? For divine revelations he is prepared to go against Allah and His Messenger, and for “immoral friendships” he is prepared to hide the sins of the so-called Ahmadi Muslims and act as if the Ahmadiyya Community and all its members are pure and do not need reform? When Allah sent this humble self as Warner and Messenger unto this world, what does he do, he turns his back completely to Allah and His Prophet preferring to hold fast to his mundane seat of caliphate, a so-called seat of power and honour, but does he not know that Allah honours whom He wants and humiliate and bring to naught whom He wants? So fear Allah O Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, fear Allah and wake up from your long sleep of ignorance before it is too late for you!

It is a pity that the responsible heads of the auxiliaries of the Ahmadiyya Community are doing nothing to remediate the situation. What kind of work they are having with the young Khuddam, Lajna and the Atfaal and Nasirat. Instead of spying on others and putting their nose in that which does not concern them, let them go and educate properly these youths. There are girls there who are taking violin courses, there are other girls who are devoid of spirituality, but are rather going to take dancing and Karate courses. On such sites like Facebook and Hi5, you would see how some put their photos and names, and describing their likes such as favourite artists, male and female. There are even some “Lajna” (women in such Jamaat) who readily put their names and indecent comic photos on such sites. Do you think that Allah will leave this situation like this? Do you think that Allah is blind to all this degradation and making fun of the teachings of Islam?

I have once told this, and I am repeating myself. The Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam must not become like the other Jamaat and especially the Jamaat Ahmadiyya (generally speaking). When one looks at the outcome of these young boys and girls and what they are doing on the internet on such sites like Facebook, Hi5 etc, one develops disgust and also sadness because of what they have rendered the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) to be. On the other hand, the parents of these children are declaring themselves to be great defenders of Islam, some of them being in the Central Committee of the Association. Moreover, they believe themselves to be great intellectuals and God-fearing people, but if you happen to know their personal lives and the actions of their children, this will bring shame to Islam in a general sense, and particularly for the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace) where they pretend themselves to be good followers of the Promised Messiah (on him be peace).

So all you people, if you were in such sites, then close them and turn in repentance to Allah, for in Allah is your life, honour, death, and everything! Should all Muslims (whatever their Jamaat) and humanity listen to the messages of Allah, and act upon them and fear Allah like He should be feared, and instil in their hearts, exquisite love for Allah, therefore Allah is full of mercy and He verily turns with forgiveness to whomsoever He wants, should the person be sincere in his quest for Allah and thirsty for reform and divine love. 

Next, I have gotten the needed information about the one who spread the false rumour of financial corruption on this humble person. He is none other than the Molvi Muhammad Ismail H.A (the senior Muballigh of the Ahmadi in Kerala). He is the foremost person to have spread this false rumour and verily soon he shall taste of the evil consequences of his actions. He not only spread such lies on this humble self but he also is playing God as to say that the death of someone is due to his father’s disobedience to the Ahmadiyya Caliphate and his acceptance of the New Messenger of this era. God forbid, according to this so-called Maulana, the father commits sin whereas the son pays for it? Now, he is spreading the words that beware of forthcoming deaths of the sons of the disciples of this humble Messenger. Fouse Jamal, the son of the Amir Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Kerala died in November 2007 without ever getting to know about the presence of Allah’s Messenger in the world. He was a sincere Ahmadi and was even elected the General Secretary of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya in Kerala at the age of 25. When he died, his funeral procession was done by the Ahmadi Muslims and even the fifth Khalifathul Massih mourned his death. Now the so-said Maulana is telling the world that this young man died because Allah wanted to punish the Amir Jamaat for his alleged deviant behaviour. The same Maulana has also warned another of the active Dai-Illallah of our Jamaat in Kerala that lest he is careful, he also would lose his son who joined us. 

Now, the funeral prayers were done in the Ahmadiyya Movement back then in 2007. At that time, was that death a natural death or an accursed death? If it was an accused death (God forbid), why then did the Ahmadiyya Movement along with its caliph led the funeral prayers? And I want to attract the attention of this so-called Maulana that from 2007 up to September 2010, these people did not yet accepted or recognised this humble self in this era, how could you say that this death is an accursed death? Have you gone up to Allah and seen the judgement which Allah has passed concerning this young man’s death or are you playing the idiot in spreading such nonsense comments? If according to you he has gotten an accursed death in 2007, while having died in the Ahmadiyya Community, then the logically explanation is to say that you yourself consider the fifth caliph of the Ahmadiyya Movement to not being a divine caliph, who has not been appointed by Allah, but that in reality he is only a man-made caliph (elected by men)! In my view, you are contradicting your caliph, and thus showing yourself more superior to your caliph. So according to you, the Ahmadi Muslims must foremost follow your guidelines and stop following the actual man-elected caliph. What I want to ask this so-called Maulana is whether the archangel Gabriel has taken him up to Sidrat-ul-Muntaha, and therefrom to Allah, for him to say such nonsense and making other Ahmadi people fear him and the words he spread about forthcoming deaths? Does he himself know when he shall die? How long will he live on earth, or will he go heavenwards like others believe that Hazrat Issa (on him be peace) has gone up physically in the heavens? Does he have the confirmation from Allah that he shall have a special visa to Paradise?

Though the other Ahmadi Muslims in Kerala do not have any problem in listening to the message of Allah in this era, this Maulana is using every tactic possible to instil fear in their hearts, that if they ever join the ranks of this humble Messenger, they also or their sons shall face death due to their disobedience to the present system of man-made caliphate. 

This satanic mentality is not of today. The past prophets and their disciples also faced such evil attacks on their person and the enemies of truth are always in a hurry to say that death of somebody is a punishment because he or his parent has accepted the Messenger of Allah. This was also the case in 2003 in Mauritius when my most fervent and sincere disciple, Seid Ahmad – the gem of youth and the ever ready seeker of the divine blessings (who seized every opportunity to go everywhere with me so that to obtain the blessings of Allah whenever revelations came down upon his humble self) – died. He was aged 22. Once he saw the clear signs from Allah of the truthfulness of this humble self, he let go of most of his leisure time to devote for the cause of Islam. When he died, the evils tongues of so-called Ahmadi Muslims, along with his close blood-relations, did not hesitate to say that this death was a fearful end for his respected mother for she believed in this humble self. They clapped their hands and said that this boy would not have died if he and his family have not believed in this humble self.

The so-called Mullah in Kerala is taking himself as God on earth just like pharaoh in the times of Musa (on him be peace), who commanded that all baby boys be put to death, and now this Maulana is predicting the deaths of the believers in the New Messenger of this era. But does he not know the life of the mother of Sir Zafrullah Khan. A sorceress came to her (before the birth of this son of hers) and commanded her to hand over her newborn to her, but she refused flatly, despite that the sorceress warned her that her son shall die. It came to be that the baby died, but the faith which the mother of Sir Zafrullah Khan had in Allah did not waver in the least. She remained firm with Allah, putting her trust in Allah, despite the several deaths of her children whenever she brought them in this world. The sorceress work was at play, until the Messenger of Allah (the Promised Messiah) – on him be peace – invoked Allah to protect that pious woman and when the Promised Messiah’s prayers came into Allah’s presence, the sorceress work went in vain, and Sir Zafrullah Khan was born. He became such a boy and later a man which represented the promise of honour for Islam. Likewise, this so-called Mullah of Kerala is now incarnating the role of the sorceress in the times of the Promised Messiah’s time. But little does he know that whatever he may try to incur fear of creature into the hearts of my disciples, he shall never be able to deviate my sincere ones. For the latter (my sincere disciples all round the world – be it now or in the future) are the promises of tomorrow’s victory of Islam. The true soldiers of Allah never waver in front of such menaces and they along with Allah and His Messenger, we shall be victorious. Insha-Allah. 

I hereby invite this so-called Maulana, Molvi Muhammad Ismail H.A (the senior Muballigh of the Ahmadi in Kerala) to come forward in an open duel of prayer (Mubahila) concerning what all that he said about this humble self, and my disciples in Kerala (India). Let him come officially forward and make this announcement officially that he has accepted my challenge of Mubahila so that the world, the Ahmadi people and his caliph may know who really the liar is. And I am waiting for his reply to this open challenge for a duel of prayer (Mubahila) so that the world may witness the clear defeat and death of the liar within one year! He must come forward officially and sign this part of the official Mubahila which I have included in my Friday Sermon of today 11 March 2011, and this Mubahila will take effect as soon as he accepts and puts on officially his signature, date and time of acceptance to this challenge. As soon as he signs the challenge to Mubahila, I am ready to sign and date the document. Insha-Allah. 

As Allah said in the Holy Quran Chapter 3 Verse 61: 
“If anyone argues with you, despite the knowledge you have received, then say, “Let us summon our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us invoke Allah’s curse upon the liars.”
Come together and implore Allah and say: “O my Creator! Descend down Your curse in the period of one year upon either one of us who is the liar and deceitful in Your eyes and cover him with shame and humiliate him and show them the manifestation of Your anger and punishment. Punish him, hit him, and try him so that everyone knows that all their misfortunes do not come from men, but from Your all-powerful Hand and so that it may be known that these wonders are from Your jealousy, Your Self-Esteem.”

I personally make this prayer: “O Allah, so punish the liar, the so-called Maulana Muhammad Ismail H.A (the senior Muballigh of the Ahmadi in Kerala) who is spreading false rumours on Your humble Messenger of this era, Your Munir Ahmad Azim. O Allah, show to the world your humble Messenger’s veracity through the defeat of this so-called Maulana who is adamant to deviate your servants from the right path. O Allah, in You I place my trust and through You shall truth become manifest. Ameen.”

Announcement: The Khalifatullah informed about the massive earthquake which hit Japan this morning, magnitude 8.9 which started a tsunami (7 meter high), landslides, fires in some places and also made the experts send out a Tsunami warning in the Pacific Ocean.