بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon




Munir Ahmad Azim

09 September 2011 ~


(10 Shawwal 1432 Hijri)


(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and he said:


وَاعْتَصِمُواْ بِحَبْلِ اللّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلاَ تَفَرَّقُواْ وَاذْكُرُواْ نِعْمَتَ اللّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ إِذْ كُنتُمْ أَعْدَاء فَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِكُمْ فَأَصْبَحْتُم بِنِعْمَتِهِ إِخْوَانًا وَكُنتُمْ عَلَىَ شَفَا حُفْرَةٍ مِّنَ النَّارِ فَأَنقَذَكُم مِّنْهَا كَذَلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللّهُ لَكُمْ آيَاتِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ ۝


Wa’-tasimuu bi-Hablil-laahi jamii-‘aww wa laa tafar-raquu. Waz-kuruu ni’-ma-tallaahi ‘alaykum  ‘iz kuntum ‘a’-daaa-‘an fa ‘al-lafa bayna quluubikum fa-‘asbahtum bi-ni’-matihiii ‘ikhwaanaa; wa kuntum ‘alaa shafaa hufratim-mi-nan-naari fa-‘anqazakum minhaa. Kazaa lika yu-bayyinul-laahu lakum ‘Aayaati-hii la-‘al-lakum tahtaduun.


And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favour of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favour, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided. (3: 104)


The verse hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together’ has two interpretations. That is why we must take both into consideration.


Firstly, stay firm with the Jamaat, and afterwards listen to (and obey) the Imam. Now, obedience to the Imam has been expounded by the Ahmadi Muslims as meaning obedience to the caliph (the elected-by-men caliph). But the truth is that reference is made to the Imam of the age whereby Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) prophesised that at the head of each century there shall be a Mujaddid (reformer) who shall come. And the mentioned of Jamaat is that Jamaat in which that Mujaddid who comes from Allah shall be present.


In connexion with this subject, there is a Hadith narrated by Abu Musa, whereby he heard Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) saying: “My example and the example of what I have been sent with is that of a man who came to some people and said, 'O people! I have seen the enemy's army with my own eyes, and I am the clear Warner; so protect yourselves!’ Then a group of his people obeyed him and fled at night proceeding stealthily till they were safe, while another group of them disbelieved him and stayed at their places till morning when the army came upon them, and killed and ruined them completely...” (Bukhari)


It resembles the story of Prophet Lut (upon him be peace). He came to give a clear warning to his people, but there are some among them who listened to him and that night itself, they left that place and went away. But the majority of the people did not heed the warning of the prophet and some among them even labelled him a liar, and persisted on the fact that they won’t go from the place (like he told them). They were adamant to stay in the same place, and verily they did stay, and unfortunately for them, the next day, the enemies’ army came and destroyed them.


Now in connexion with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), this anecdote happened in such a way that he (peace be upon him) warned his people, by telling them that he was seeing the enemies’ army coming. Despite the fact that the enemies were great in number, but Allah made his people see these enemies as few, and by His immense grace, He (Allah) sent down as reinforcement the armies of angels to fight in the ranks of the believers, so that they may infuse courage in them to fight and be victorious. Therefore, these believers did not see the enemies’ army, but they saw the angels’ army who came down as the enemies of their (common) enemies so as to exterminate them. If the believers were to see the enemies as a large party, they would have lost courage, but Allah made His prophet (peace be upon him) see the enemies as few and through this vision Allah gave him (peace be upon him) and the Muslims courage to face the numerous enemies (coming their way).


Therefore, every time that the enemies were destroyed, it was in fact the army of the angels who destroyed them. Otherwise the Muslims who were advanced in age (old and weak) and who came forward to fight (for the cause of Allah), how then would they have been able to destroy these powerful enemies by themselves?


Moreover, the army which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) talked about is the army of the angels which the Holy Quran describes, whereby the angels come down to destroy the people who trampled to dust the teachings of the prophet of Allah. It is through an Envoy of Allah (that Allah sends warnings), when Allah sends His Chosen Servant, whereby He gives him instructions and such envoys of Allah come to deliver the divine message to the people.


It is only with the advent of the Messenger of Allah that the armies of angels descend, whereby one reads in the Holy Quran that Allah the Almighty causes the angels’ army to come down along with His Chosen Servant. Mention is neither made of those Imams who are at the head of every Jamaat, nor of someone who is elected by man and chosen by them to become their Imam. It is not these which are being referred here; for then how many such Imams exist round the world and how many Jamaat there are in Islam, whereby all of them are taking themselves as superior to the others? Have these Imams come with the Holy Spirit, are they divinely-guided Imams? Can all these Imams say that Allah raised them as the Imam of the age and that they came as reformers and they are receiving divine revelations? Does the Jamaat which has been mentioned (in the Hadith) is the Jamaat which each and every Imam (in different sects of Islam) is in charge of?


No! If you understand this well, that all these occurred also with the people of Lut (upon him be peace). The angels came down to mete out punishment but they changed the colours of these punishments, whereas in the times of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the punishment was of a different colour (of a different type). Allah enables the accomplishment of these punishments. It is not possible that Allah does not punish a people when a Warner comes, and the people do not heed his message! He will definitely send His punishment. There is no avoiding that!


The above-mentioned Hadith is continued by Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) as thus:


 “… So this is the example of that person who obeys me and follows what I have brought (the Quran and the Sunna), and the example of the one who disobeys me and disbelieves the truth I have brought.” (Bukhari)


We are also warning the opponents of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam; there is one of them who came on holidays to Mauritius to spend time with his family. Instead of doing just that, he made his campaign against me and all my followers. He incites people not to bid us Salaam, and those who greeted us have to repent. Repent to whom, that is the question I ask him? “Maximise your holiday with your family, in peace so that you may not get any humiliation from Allah! Beware lest your coming to Mauritius was just an opportunity to make us see your humiliation. Take all your precautions so that you may not be humiliated. Do not defy Allah and His Messenger because the army of the angels along with the Messenger of Allah shall reduce to dust all the destroyers of truth and all those who try to humiliate the Messenger and the religion of Allah!”


Moreover, there is an Ahmadi Mullah in Kerala going by the name of Muhammad Ismail, who is saying that there is no divine manifestation here in Mauritius. He said that people from Qadian came to Mauritius and reported that there is no divine manifestation (in Mauritius). They only witnessed fraudulent manifestations in the Ahmadiyya centre in Mauritius, but they kept that information in their pockets and they try to deviate the attention of people, and make falsehood become truth and vice-versa. These are the worst Mullahs of this age (like prophesised by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)!


If you came to Mauritius, and the opponents of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam have taken you for long drives, to the beach, breakfast, lunch and dinner in different places, especially in the houses of the wealthy Ahmadi people, then how do you expect to witness the divine manifestation? Your eyes have been shut with these foods and sight-seeing. You only saw sand everywhere. You travelled a long distance, you came to Mauritius to know more about the divine manifestation, but then do you not come to the fountain in which Allah the Almighty is pouring down His pure water? If you were truly interested to know more about the divine manifestation, you should have shown your interest to come to that fountain of pure water, if you were truly spiritually thirsty! But unfortunately you became only interested with the materials attractions.


You sit together with the opponents of the divine manifestation; they encircle you in their midst of temporal fun. These are people upon whose eyes there is a veil, in their ears there are lead and their hearts have become as hard as metal and dark. Will these people ever tell you, that yes, there is a divine manifestation in Mauritius? The enemies of a prophet, what shall they say? They shall tell all sorts of lies on the account of the person whom Allah has sent! Do you think that they shall speak good of him? Had they been positive (and talked in favour of the prophet), then they should have found themselves in the midst of that person whom Allah the Almighty has sent and they should have been in the Jamaat wherein there is the divine manifestation!


What did all opponents of the prophets have said when they came? They labelled him a liar, madman and so on. They put all sorts of blames on his person and all those who follow him. They are the same kind of people whom Allah the Almighty has said in the Quran, whereby it is them who hinder people from the right path and it is them who create chaos and when it is said to them: “You are creating mischief (on earth)”, they reply: “No, on the contrary, we are setting everything aright!”


See, you have believed them as if their words were those of the gospel and without any substantiate proof and argument, you went away and spread these evil talks in Qadian, India and Kerala to hinder people from believing in the truth and you base yourselves on lies and you spread these lies everywhere and in turn others take these falsehoods and spread it all the more to hinder the people from recognising that truth (of the coming of the Messenger of Allah, of the divine manifestation).


There is another one who, in his Friday Sermon, thinks that a Messenger of Allah must take orders from him and his Managing Committee. When he is actually getting problems with his Managing Committee, what does he say? He does not take orders from anyone; his commands come only from Allah. Now he is talking about the absolute must that the people obey an Imam who comes from Allah, whereas he himself did not hold fast to his Bai’at (oath of allegiance) with Allah and His Chosen Messenger who has come for all religions, not just for a Jamaat! And he has the guts, the audacity to say that it is I and my followers who has abandoned them (him and his friends), and the divine manifestation. No… He is forgetting all the revelations which he has noted down from the beginning of the divine manifestation, and whereby he himself asked Allah for guidance concerning the revelations which Munir Azim is receiving, whether all these revelations are true? Thereafter Allah gave him clear revelations that all my (Munir Azim) divine revelations are true, that there is no doubt in them. And it was him who stood on the pulpit to convince people to recognise the truthfulness of the Chosen person of Allah in this era, that is, Munir Azim. He was the one who said that even if he has to stand by the Holy Ka’aba to attest to my (Munir Azim) veracity, then without hesitation he shall do it! Now Allah has tried him with his own revelations, but I pray for him, that one day he may witness the realisation of all the promises which Allah has given (promised) me and may he realise his error and realise the truthfulness of this humble Messenger of Allah before it is too late for him. Allah is giving him revelations but despite it all, he is not able to understand. He said in his Eid-ul-Fitr Sermon, this year itself, that it is me who has shirked my responsibilities. Never, not once I have shirked my responsibilities. On the contrary, that which Allah told me to do, I have accomplished it. I am only obeying my Creator, the One who chose me, not creatures! Do they not know that each time a prophet of Allah comes, no one is a prophet in his own land? He gets problems also with those around him, not just with opponents but also with so-called believers.


Bear in mind, you are creating mischief; truth shall triumph and falsehood shall disappear. Allah the Almighty shall perfect this truth all the more and that falsehood (which you have spread) shall lead you towards your destruction little by little by you realising it. The punishment which you shall get shall be through your children, your family, your wealth, at your Jamaat level, and in your surroundings (in which you live), the society and at country level.


I am still warning you and will continue to do so – you are not seeing the angels of Allah. The angels which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw, we also in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam are seeing them. You are not seeing them because you have rejected the divine manifestation with arrogance and you preferred to believe in your idol which you set up. Therefore how can you then see the angels’ army? Thus, it is not possible that these angels treat you well. After all, these angels obey only Allah, and the command which they receive from Allah, is the same one, that is, to destroy these kinds of people.


Today also, these angels definitely obey the commandment of Allah. What shall happen? Only Allah knows. But at the same time when giving warnings, I want to wake up all our opponents and all nations for they have been intoxicated by their power; they think that they are over-powering and therefore, they think, “how then can Allah seize us?”


It is in this condition that superpowers worldwide have been brought to their destruction by Almighty Allah; look at America and the Jews, how much power they have acquired in the world and look how Almighty Allah is bringing them to their destruction little by little without them realising it and verily more destructions shall seize them! Only Allah knows, He knows best when shall these days of destruction shall come and this is a promise of Allah and He shall be accomplish His promise. That which He promises shall become manifest.


It is impossible that this promise does not become manifest. How shall He accomplish that, only Allah knows. It is Allah who decides when this shall become manifest. We, in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam around the world, we submit ourselves to the will of Allah, but there cannot be obstacles to this promise of Allah. No superpower of the world can stop this promise from accomplishing; therefore bear patience – wait, and we also shall wait with you. Insha-Allah.


Allah made it obligatory that it is only Allah and His chosen servant whom He sent down who shall verily have the upper hand. After this declaration, who among you think that Allah and His chosen servant shall not have the upper hand? If in anyone’s heart there is a little doubt about this fact, therefore his faith has received a severe shaking and his faith is quasi-empty. This matter cannot be ignored; it is the word of Allah. Nobody can change it.


Bear in mind, from the creation of Adam (upon him be peace) till the times of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and that of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) and now today in my era and in the times of all those who shall come after me, that the end result of the mission of the envoys of Allah is never bad; all the time it is them (the prophets and messengers of Allah) who shall have the upper hand over their opponents. The promise of Allah is verily true and it is accomplished when people oppose and mock (and ridicule) His prophets. This does not mean that it is not accomplished when they do not oppose (these elects of Allah). No, but it means that when they are opposed, then one can witness the extraordinary accomplishment of this promise. Otherwise, in any other situation He (Allah) would have accomplished that promise. If they were to stop opposing Allah and His prophets, then naturally in this case also it is Allah and His prophets who are the ultimate victors. If they make oppositions, they shall be vanquished and moreover Allah’s promise shall be accomplished concerning them, when these people shall oppose His prophets. In fact, in the world people do not oppose the liars, the fraudulent people, and those who do not respect their words. When the servants of Allah are opposed, this is a proof of his veracity.


Now, look at the Muslim world, how much falsehood they are doing in the name of Allah. There are people who say that they have in their possession such powers that “with a simple blowing, we can change your destiny completely.”


Those who go to pray on tombs are calling people to them by saying that it is just when they come to tombs (of such and such person) that they receive boons and thus they invite others to come and participate so that they also can partake of these “boons”. This kind of falsehood and deception cannot be digested, even for a second, by anyone who is in possession of sense (and true intelligence – the Ulul-al-Baab).


But those who oppose the prophets and servants of Allah, they in fact lost all their reasoning power. They lost it because of their egoism. Their religion is only to attain to their own personal objective; nothing else! And when they, that is, the worshippers of tombs, do not succeed in attaining to their objective through mundane means, it is then that they go seek the help of these false pirs (on tomb); and they think that these pirs can enable them to reach their objective.


But this cannot be; it is impossible because after opposing the true servants of Allah, therefore they closed upon themselves all doors of salvation. And it is the true servants of Allah whom they oppose. They do not oppose those who are not the true servants (elects) of Allah. On the contrary, for those who are not the true servants of Allah, they are prepared to hold their shoes. They follow in their footsteps in such a way that these people (whom they take as idols) can make them attain to their objective.


As for the true servants of Allah, they go through all sorts of trials, through all kinds of cyclones (difficulties), but they bear all these with patience; thereafter Almighty Allah accomplishes all their desires. Therefore, O members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, if you undergo trials, problems, then do not worry; go through these trials with patience and thereafter you shall accede to your objectives.


Allah established this system for you so that you are separated from the materialistic people, those who worship their mundane endeavours. This is the wisdom which the true servants of Allah possess, whereby they are made to go through these trials with patience and Allah wishes to teach a lesson to these materialistic people and all those who have rejected His chosen servant and the divine manifestation. Allah addresses these imbeciles: “Look! Despite rejecting the divine manifestation, hatching plots and hindering people from the path of truth, look how My chosen servant is courageous and brave, he is the one whom I have chosen.”


Therefore, when these opponents witness this perseverance, then they themselves admit defeat. In the end, they admit that this is verily the perseverance of the true (people). Whenever thousands of obstacles are put on the path of truth, despite it all, it is truth which shall triumph. 


Therein is a great lesson for the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. For all kinds of oppositions, accept that destiny which Allah has given you and do not be cowards; continue to remain firm till the enemies abandon (the battle), when all their efforts shall be rendered vain. At that point in time, the world shall recall your perseverance as the perseverance of the true.


These opponents shall in the end say that they cannot fight with the truthful and then no one will ever shake away your patience. This is a light which shall become manifest in the end and it shall triumph, Insha-Allah. Therefore, to see this end result, preparations must be made; we must prostrate before Allah alone, and we have to hold fast, all of us to the rope of Allah and not let us be divided and you must bear in mind the favours which Allah has bestowed upon you when He sent His chosen servant, this humble servant of Allah amongst you in this era along with divine revelations (the Ruh-il-Qouddouss).


If there were enemies amongst you, Allah has poured in love in your hearts through His mercy and made you brothers of this Sahih al Islam (this true Islam) whereby Almighty Allah saved you from the punishment of hell, because the others have taken creatures of Allah and made them become their idols and they have stopped saying that it is Almighty Allah who has said this and that. Allah does not like this situation at all. Before sending His punishment, He sends His Messenger with divine revelations to remove you from all these Shirk, because that same Shirk shall cause them to be casted in the fire of Hell.


It is in this way that Almighty Allah explains to you His signs so that you may get true guidance which enables you to become a true Muslim who submits himself completely to Allah, One God, and which makes you return back to the true Islam, the true teachings of Islam which our beloved Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us.


May Allah open the hearts of all those who have not yet recognised this truth. Ameen.