بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Friday Sermon




Munir Ahmad Azim

04 November 2011 ~

(08 Dhul-Hijjah 1432 Hijri)


(Summary of Friday Sermon)


After having greeted the members (and all Muslims round the world) with the Salutations of Peace, the Messiah (Massih’ullah) read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and he said:


We consider the month of Dhul Hijjah to have a close link with an Elect of Allah, Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace). The title Friend of Allah (Khalillullah) which Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) earned did not come without difficulties. He had to face so many hard trials in his life, but by the grace of Allah, he succeeded in facing them in a remarkable way. Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) showed extraordinary steadfastness, submission and complete self-control. You shall recall his conviction in Allah, when he was pushed with killing intent into a great fire. You shall recall also his expression of unshakeable faith and his courage when he received instructions from Allah to abandon his wife Hazrat Bibi Hajra (May Allah be satisfied with her) and his son Hazrat Ismail (upon him be peace) in a dry and deserted valley (which was to be later known as Mecca). But the most difficult trial which he had to face was without doubt the sacrifice of his unique son Ismail (upon him be peace). He was the same son who was born to Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) who was more than 80 years old. Despite his age, he receive a clear divine command to slaughter (his son), which he was ever ready to comply. 


We must take into account that Allah needed neither human sacrifice nor the blood of Hazrat Ismail (upon him be peace). The aim of Allah was to put Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) to the test so that he may manifest clearly as to whom he was more attached: Allah or his own flesh and blood? It was only afterwards (after trying him in his deed) that Allah gave him the good news that he passed the test and that he was to do the sacrifice (slaughtering) of an animal instead of that of his son. This act of submission was so much appreciated by Allah Almighty who then made this act of submission to become a characteristical sign of Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace).


The principal teaching which you learn from the behaviour, reaction and gesture of Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) is precisely his profound (unlimited) submission to the command of Allah. In other words, Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) was ready to make all sacrifices, to show his submission to the will of Allah. It is this protection that we must seek to protect us in the (spiritual) environment in which we are living, and wherein it is becoming more and more difficult to practice our religion (Islam). We must try to succeed in sacrificing all our desires so that we may show great submission to Allah, but also to combat the Satan and our ego (which direct us towards evil and wrongdoings).


The Takbir Tashriq: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Laa Ilaaha Illallahu, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Wa Lillaahil Hamd”.


The origin of the Takbir Tashriq goes back to the time of Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) when he made his son Ismail (upon him be peace) lie down so as to sacrifice him. Allah ordained the archangel Gabriel (upon him be peace) to bring a compensation. Upon seeing Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) about to sacrifice his son, and fearing that he does so, he stopped him in his act by reciting: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, and when Harzat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) heard his voice, he knew that he was bringing good news. He therefore said loudly: Laa Ilaaha Illallahu, Allahu Akbar and Hazrat Ismail (upon him be peace) understanding that there is to be a compensation (for the sacrifice) began to read the following words, chanting the praises of Allah, and thanking Him: Allahu Akbar Wa Lillaahil Hamd.


As from this moment on, it became compulsory to read this Takbir (by the name of Takbir Tashriq):


1. As from the ninth day (of Dhul-Hijjah) after Fajr prayers till the thirteenth day after the Asr prayers, wherever one may be found, be it in town, on a journey, be it for a men and women. All must read this Takbir.


2. Read the Takbir Tashriq after Eid prayers.


3. Read Takbir in a loud voice after prayers in congregation (and ladies must recite it in a low voice).


4. Even if you are not found in congregation, and have done your prayers individually, you must recite this Takbir.


5. It is also compulsory for the person who has joined the congregation and is replacing the missing cycles (led by the Imam).


6. If ever the Imam forgets to read the Takbir after Salat, then it is the duty of those who is praying behind him to begin its recitation.


Qurbani or Sacrifice goes back to the time of Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) when Allah commanded him to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail (upon him be peace) to test his sincerity, his faith. Helped and encouraged by the son who gave his life in sacrifice, Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) went without hesitation to accomplish his duty. Had he not said: “I have submitted myself to the Lord of the Worlds?” But the Friend of Allah did not have to go to the end of this hard trial. Allah Who has knowledge on all things knew the state of heart of His devoted servant.


This symbolic trial had for aim to show to the world the sincerity of Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) who believed that he absolutely had to cut the throat of his unique son, when Allah in fact gave him a compensation, whereby he was to sacrifice a ram instead (of his son). This historical event happened in Mina in the whereabouts of Mecca, where the Hajjis perform the Qurbani after having accomplishing the Hajj. And this act is repeated every year on the 10 Dhul Hijjah, not only in Arabia but also in all countries of the world. And this shall continue Insha-Allah till the Day of Judgement. The so-called Mullahs and the other Muslims from the various sects have forbidden us, the Ahmadi Muslims to go and perform Hajj and they declared us non-Muslims. Allah Almighty gave me this revelation that Insha-Allah, in the coming years the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, the Messiah and Caliph of Allah of this era and his followers shall enter Mecca and we shall be able to do our Hajj, Insha-Allah. Do not lose hope, be steadfast, this day and year shall come, Allah is ever true in His promises which He vouchsafed to His chosen servant.


I tell these so-called Mullahs to wait, I am also waiting with them and they shall not be able to bar the decree of Allah (from realising). Do whatever you want to do, but you shall not be able to stop that day from coming when Allah Almighty’s Caliph shall enter Mecca. That day shall be the victory of Allah. Allah and His servant and those have believed in His chosen servant, it is us who shall be victorious in the face of your evildoings, scheming which you do to restrict our Ahmadi Muslim brothers and sisters from performing Hajj, as if that holy land belongs to you! In this era Allah Almighty shall show the truthfulness of His chosen Caliph (Khalifatullah) when the day shall come, when he and his disciples shall enter Mecca. I ask them to try to do everything in their power to stop that (decree); try as they may, but can they ever fight against Allah Almighty when Allah Almighty already decreed and promised His Caliph (Khalifatullah) entrance in Mecca in the coming years?


I come back to the core subject of my sermon, whereby each year, after the Eid (of sacrifice) prayers, the Muslims who have the means perform Qurbani, not in honour of Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace), or Hazrat Ismail (upon him be peace), the ancestors of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), but in honour of Allah Almighty.


We can read in the Quran: “Say: Surely my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are (all) for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” (6: 163)


Surely it cannot be any different, for the term ‘Muslims’ means ‘one who believes sincerely that His unique Master is Allah.” Consequently, he worships and obeys only Allah. He is therefore ready to sacrifice everything for Allah for He knows that his life and death are in the hands of Allah alone.


Is our Qurbani different from that of the people in the times of Jahilliya (ignorance), before Islam? Of course yes, whereby those people offered animal blood to their deities, a believer on the other hand expresses his devotion to Allah by sacrificing an animal which flesh is permissible for consumption. It is our piety which pleases Allah. “Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you.” (22: 38)


And of course, Qurbani must awaken in us a feeling of piety (Taqwa). True sacrifice is when the believer has a complete control on himself so that he may live a virtuous life. Human is neither an angel nor an animal. But he nevertheless does possess the animalistic tendencies as well as the angelic ones. He possesses intelligence, a faculty which animals do not possess, and he has a freewill which angels do not possess. Therefore use your intelligence to do good deeds. Qurbani or sacrifice is everything that represents a source of becoming close to Allah.


Qurbani is defined as all good deeds which are done which the intention to become close to Allah. Generally this word is employed for the sacrifice of an animal. Hazrat Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) narrated that Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said: “There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of sacrifice than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificial animal shall come on the day of Judgement with its horns, hairs and hooves. The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart.” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)


Qurbani is an independent act of worship of great merit. This act of worship has been ordained by the Sharia in commemoration of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (upon him be peace) when he offered his son Hazrat Ismail (upon him be peace) in sacrifice upon the command of Allah Almighty. As the Qurbani is a specific act of worship with a specific aim, therefore this act of worship cannot be replaced by any other act of worship. The money which is offered in charity cannot replace in any way the Qurbani as an act of worship. If in place of Qurbani a person offers in charity a sum greater than that of the price of an animal, despite this, it is not enough and the person is not unburdened from his obligations to perform Qurbani.


Like Salat (prayer) cannot be replaced by other things, likewise the obligation for Qurbani cannot be removed by offering other things. It is important that those who can accomplish this act of worship to perform it. Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) has clearly informed us: “He who has the capacity, and does not sacrifice (perform Qurbani), may not approach our Musallah (place of prayer – on the ‘Eid).” (Ibn Majah). In other words this person is not worthy of presenting himself before Allah.


The period of Qurbani begins as from Eid-ul-Adha, that is, 10 Dhul Hijjah and ends on the 12 Dhul Hijjah before sunset. Qurbani can be done in either three days, but it is preferable to perform it on Eid-ul-Adha itself, that is, 10 Dhul Hijjah, then also the eleventh and afterwards the twelfth before sunset.


Qurbani can be done either during the day and evening (before sunset). But is it preferable to do it in the morning because it is not appreciated (by Allah) to do it when the sun about to set. It is be that the animal’s vein is wrongly cut and this shall annul the Qurbani; render it invalid. May Allah protect us and make us stand firm with faith and may He accept our Qurbani. Ameen.