Text Box: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Friday Sermon


Munir Ahmad Azim

21 May 2010

(06 Jamadal Aakhir 1431 Hijri)

(Summary of Friday Sermon)

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he said:

Islam is the true religion, perfect in its attributes and it is our duty as Muslims to honour it with our faith, life, honour and dedication. When it takes to open ourselves to the essence of our faith, we Muslims not always are true to it as it deserves to. The belief in one God is the focus of all true believers who would do anything to please Almighty Allah and being sincere to Him. The true believers are those who try at the same time to become friends of Allah, connecting themselves all through and through to perceive the essence of His proximity and obtaining His eternal love. 

Being Muslims, it is our foremost duty to make our faith strengthen all the more in the belief in the unicity of Allah, by casting aside all forms of idols which distract our attention from Allah everyday of our lives. The idea of one God is perceived by one and all, but what they fail to perceive is that creatures of Allah, especially the Prophets of God cannot be taken and viewed as God Himself or as a god besides Allah. All religions have at their root origin the unicity of Allah as the real truth which controlled their lives, but through the passing of time, idolatry infiltrated them so much so that idolatry became viewed as the essence of true faith. 

With the advent of Islam as the final religion, Allah through the seal of all prophets Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) has re-established the foundation of real faith, calling out to all religions and their leaders and divines to bear witness to the truth of some of the laws in their books which they concealed from their followers. In the Holy Quran Allah gives the example of the Jews and Christians, who concealed part of the laws of Allah which was against their interest – such laws which rendered clear the fact about the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the Seal of prophethood. 

God is One but the Jews attributed Ezra to Him as being His son, and the Christians attributed Jesus to Him as being His son, such theories which are completely false and baseless. We Muslims have been taught to pray only one God, the Creator and not to attribute any partner to Him in our worship of Him. Even though the outward form of praying Allah alone is being respected but the inward association of other divinities to Allah is rampant. This may be in the form of petty things which we Muslims do every day without realising that we are in doing do committing a blunder which may cost us our faith if not stopped at the right time. Such examples are giving priority to other things than Allah. In this case we have watching television as the usual form of Shirk. Watching television, even if it is the broadcast of a good programme becomes Shirk when someone prefers to continue watching it even though he or she is hearing the Call for prayer being announced loud and clear. The one who bypass the call for prayer and report prayer – which is in fact the believer’s intimate meeting with his Creator – to some other time, by doing so, he is closing on his own nose the door of salvation. Any mundane work which is given priority to Allah is a form of Shirk and is reprehensible by Allah. 

Thus belief in one God, even for a Muslim is difficult to attain if there is not goodwill and respect to do it the right way without distractions. Once a Muslim has established himself firmly on the unicity of Allah, when come what may he does not deviate easily from the main focus of his life, that is, his belief in Allah, the sole Creator, then the believer is asked by Allah to believe in all His angels, the creatures of light He created to execute His orders at His will. To each angel Allah assigned specific roles which include sending revelations to His Chosen servants. 

Angels forms part of the category of the invisible which we believers and all mankind are called to believe in. First we have the Creator Himself, who though is Manifest, but also well Hidden and formless. Nobody can see Allah especially if he is still living on earth! Even the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) never did see Allah with his naked eyes, even when he went in the greatest of visions during the Mihraj. Even though he was made to come before Allah, but he did not perceive Allah and seen him with his eyes in Allah’s real form. No mortal can perceive Allah until death takes him with it.

Narrated Masruq: I said to ‘Aisha, “O Mother! Did Prophet Muhammad see his Lord?” Aisha said, “What you have said makes my hair stand on end! Know that if somebody tells you one of the following three things, he is a liar: Whoever tells you that Muhammad saw his Lord, is a liar.” Then Aisha recited the Verse: 

‘No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision. He is the Most Courteous Well-Acquainted with all things.’ (6: 105) ‘It is not fitting for a human being that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration or from behind a veil.’ (42: 52) ‘Aisha further said, “And whoever tells you that the Prophet knows what is going to happen tomorrow, is a liar.” She then recited: 

‘No soul can know what it will earn tomorrow.’ (31: 35) She added: “And whoever tells you that he concealed (some of Allah’s orders), is a liar.” Then she recited: ‘O Apostle! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent down to you from your Lord....’ (5: 68) ‘Aisha added. “But the Prophet saw Jibreel (Gabriel) in his true form twice.” (Bukhari)

From this Hadith it is quite clear that no soul can perceive Allah in His real form and especially not with his physical eyes but angels can be perceived in their real form by the power of Allah, and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) only saw angel Jibreel (on him be peace) twice in his real form throughout his whole life. Among the angels are those who hold various responsibilities. Just like angel Jibreel is the chief of the angels of revelations, there are other angels also like angels Mikail, Israfil, and Izrael (the angel of death). Under their commands are millions of angels who partake of the same responsibilities as them. A Muslim’s faith will not be complete if he does not belief in the angels of Allah who serves Him day and night without the least fatigue.  

Next, the Muslim believer is called to believe in the advent of Prophets of Allah, to believe in absolutely all of them without having any doubt on either one of them. Thus, the coming of prophets on earth also means the descent of divine revelations which was perfected in the form of the Holy Quran with the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Although the Holy Quran represents the final law to mankind, this does not mean that Allah after the death of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has stopped talking. The truth is that divine revelations will continue to come down upon the chosen servants, messengers, prophets of Allah and reformers of Islam but these revelations will be sent only as confirmation of the authenticity of Islam and the Holy Quran as the final code of life, the complete law regulating the life of man. Allah confirmed this by sending more than a hundred years ago the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace) who came as His chosen messenger, the Messiah and Mahdi of his era. And even today Allah continues to talk with this humble one, His Chosen Caliph and Messenger making me the Reviver of religion and the caller to the unicity of Allah following in the footsteps my beloved Holy Prophet and master Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The revelations I received from Allah are not meant to mean that I have another Quran but that these revelations comes to confirm the Quran and to assert it (the Quran) as the legal and final law which must regulate the life of one and all, humanity as a whole. Thus, it is essential that Allah should talk with His chosen one, guiding him how to bring about the reform of humanity, the reform of religions, and especially the reform of Islam, to bring back the essence of faith and the purity of the teachings of the Holy Quran back in the hearts of people. The things which Allah show all His prophets and this humble one and if He shows us a future happening, this happens only with the permission of Allah. Like the Hadith above mentions, no soul can know the future, but it is to be precise that the Prophets of Allah, even the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was made to known about future happenings only with the knowledge of Allah, with the permission of Allah.

One day without doubt, we all have to taste death, and be called to account before Allah for all our deeds. Each people will be asked as if prophets were sent to them to give them the message of Allah and they would not be able to deny the fact that prophets did came to them, with the majority of them mocking at him and at the signs of Allah which were manifested in support of his claims. Death is inevitable and come what may we Muslims must do our possible to obey the commands of Allah and never reject someone who comes from Him, especially if that someone says that He comes from Allah and that he is here to guide them all towards the unicity of Allah and to bring back the teachings of Islam and the Quran which people have casted aside for the profit of the attractions of this temporal world. 

Those who would appreciate the favours of Allah upon them, and lose not the opportunity to maximize the blessings which they will get definitely to obtain with being in the companionship of Allah’s Chosen Messenger, then for these kind of people, the true and sincere, Allah has made the provisions of the highest places in Paradise for them and His very own love. But those who turn their back to the messenger of Allah and refuse to see the clear truth being shown to them for their own spiritual good, they are the losers and Hell suffices for them if they prefer to torture the prophets and ridicule the messages of Allah instead of being tortured and persecuted for the sake of Allah and His Messenger, for the sake of Islam, for the sake of true faith. 

We, Muslims of the authentic Islam, the Sahih Al Islam, we believe that there in no one who is worthy of worship except Allah and that the Seal of the Prophets, our beloved master Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) is from Him, perfect in his right as the most obedient of servants of Allah and the greatest among all messengers of Allah. We believe in all the tenets of Islam which are devoid of all innovations which are against the law of Allah and His noble prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). We hold our faith in Allah as firmly and sincerely as possible so that we may obtain Allah Himself as our reward, for none attract us more than receiving our Lord as our reward and obtaining His guidance and love to ameliorate our own physical and spiritual conditions for as long as we reside on earth. 

We have come as the helpers of Allah following in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace). We are here to guide people to better understand Islam and to help them understand the profound truth of their existence, that is, their worship and submission to only one Lord, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, Perfect in His attributes. Ours is not an easy task, but I as the Messenger and Caliph of Allah, I have the foremost duty to preach Islam as it is and to make you all converge in worship of Allah and make your lives revolve around Him and to take of this world only that which your temporal body requires and to concentrate more on what Allah has promised you of good if you seek Him and do good for His sake, to acquire His love and pleasure. 

May Allah help each one of you and all our Muslim brothers, sisters and children and may He change the heart of mankind and make them realise the essence of real faith which guarantees them felicity in both worlds. Even though in this world one may get to be persecuted in the cause of Allah, but one day in this lifetime itself he will come to taste the pleasure of the good promises of Allah and in the Hereafter, which forms an essential part of our faith, we will Insha-Allah come to taste of eternal bliss, without fearing any bad or another death. Insha-Allah. Ameen.