Text Box: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Friday Sermon


Munir Ahmad Azim

17 September 2010

(08 Shawwal 1431 Hijri)

(Summary of Friday Sermon)

After having greeted everybody with the Salutations of Peace, the Khalifatullah read the Tashahhud, Taouz and Surah Al Fatiha and then he said:
After the blessed month of Ramadan: Let us make a record of acts done and take strong resolutions in order to maintain the good example set out during Ramadan. Sadness on one hand, tears of joy on the other – these are the sentiments that have welcomed the unequivocal advent of Shawwal, marking the end of Ramadan. The Ramadan – the month of piety, devotion and blessing. Indeed, each one of us (Muslims) was required to take advantage of this blessed month, which is seen as a chance to redeem oneself after months of weaknesses. Undoubtedly, the benefits of Ramadan have been innumerable. Each servant has now a spiritual capital in his possession. We have no desire to lose it. Then, how to preserve it?
How do we maintain the pace maintained during Ramadan? Firstly, it is necessary to review acts of worship that have governed the daily life of every servant during these thirty days and take stock of what has been left out, both individually and collectively.
1. Fasting (Roza): With the exception of a few minority of people who do have failed, almost all of the Muslims have observed fasting religiously. Perseverance and stoicism were present also. 
The individual consciousness has certainly suffered a new dynamism. Ramadan has gone by, a new bargain present itself: the supererogatory fasts of Shawwal! Towering to the modest number of six, these fasts, observed with piety and discipline, according to a prophetic tradition, certainly provide the reward of a whole year of fasting!
Enticing, is it not? Why not then take advantage of them? Also, be aware that the chance to put into practice fasts regularly is presented to you: Supererogatory (Nafil) fasting can be observed on Mondays and Thursdays, days where the decisive acts of the servants are presented to Allah the Exalted. So grace (of Allah) increases (on the servant of Allah). Therefore let us maintain the pace of Ramadan in Sunnah fasting which compensates, Insha-Allah weaknesses of obligatory fasting.
2. Salaat (Prayers): Ramadan is also the month where everyone recognizes the priority of the five daily Salaat (prayers). A look at all our mosques mostly crowded at this time is sufficient to confirm this idea. How can we recognize the importance of the five obligatory Salaat during Ramadan by trying to accomplish all of them while at the same time neglecting them systemically at the onset of Shawwaal? What will we answer to the questions of the Creator on the Last Day in respect of this hypocrisy? Do we realize how Satan tries to rob us of the benefits of this month?
How could you have prayed on one hand the Tahajjud during Ramadan, and neglecting the Fajr during the other months? Is there not a failure, almost some hypocrisy somewhere? Let’s strive to be the beloved servants of Allah the Exalted.
Let us not rely only on obligatory Salaat. Let us also give special considerations to Sunnah (nafil) Salaat, however little it may be because this is the most effective way to get closer to Allah (the Exalted).
3. The Quran: The book of Allah, extremely loved during this month judged by the increase in the number of readers. Indeed, many have reached their goal of a complete reading of the Quran. Still others have tried somehow to go read a maximum of chapters (surah). Alhamdulillah. It’s a good sign, but let’s take new resolutions from this blessed month that has left us. Let us ensure that we do not neglect the daily reading of the Quran during the eleven months to come. For anyone who deliberately chooses a path contrary to the Quran, takes himself away from the light of Allah.
Carefully read the Quran. Try to understand what it is all about. Continue to follow the divine injunctions: avoid sins such as backbiting, slander, lies, cursing, cheating and theft, among other things.
In contrast, continue to obey our Creator. If we have, for example understand the need to dress the proper way God has chosen, how then can we turn back on this outright divine command from the day of Eid itself, adopting the fashionable clothing of movie stars? Thus, it behoves us to hold fast to the Quran. 
4. Itikaaf: The spiritual retreat in the mosque during the final portion of Ramadan was certainly beneficial to all those who have chosen it on their own, turning their backs on materialism and preferring to stay in the remembrance of Allah. Let us continue to maintain this sort of practice. Let us pause and establish regular reviews of conscience: “Am I on the right path? How many times, knowing the forbidden, I have turned a deaf ear to it and sank all the more in sin? What have I done so far that I can enjoy in the afterlife, my eternal home?”
5. Charity: We all know: the month of Ramadan is the month par excellence of generosity, Sadaqa, Zakaat, etc.., Donations, all forms of it kept coming. The Muslim was considerate to his less fortunate brothers. However, it would certainly be deplorable if we neglect this dimension of sharing at the end of Ramadan. 
Let us continue to invest our money wisely so that we may earn it in the afterlife. Let those whom Allah has given him wealth continue to understand that the share of poor is in their hands and that they must precisely manage and fully assume their responsibilities. Bringing along, support, both financial and ideological projects that initiates for the benefit of the community. We still know that charity never diminishes our property but the reward of every act of generosity is indecipherable.
Let us continue to recognize this fact; that greed and selfishness will certainly contribute to the loss of the servant in this world and the hereafter!
6. Television: it has earned a well deserved rest! Indeed, after an over-use of this device which serves two ends (one positive and the other negative) during other months, the servant has understood the need to reduce the dosage of it for a better spiritual return. Serials that promote immorality and immodesty are significantly reduced or altogether discarded. The music, food instigator of evil, seems to have lost the interest it arouses in the other months.
O Servants of Allah, if you knew how going to the movies is harmful to your faith, your modesty and your families during Ramadan, then be aware that you are wrong by repeating these wrongs all the more with the advent of Shawwal. Think, stop being trapped by Satan. Preserve the capital of shame and conscience that you acquired during this month.
Consider the multiple danger of this temptation. And especially the evil that you bequeath to your families. Take wise decisions: do not let yourself succumb to the lure of television, as attractive as it may be.
7. Balance: Ramadan has undoubtedly provided for us a balanced diet. Indeed, fasting has allowed us to make a purification of our digestive system. We were able to draw from our reserves and eliminate excess. Opt for healthy and beneficial foods. However, let us preserve the good temperament acquired through fasting (Roza).
“Training School” is how one could summarize the steps of Ramadan. Ramadan having now gone, leaving us the task of managing properly the spiritual capital that it left. Let us work to safeguard this foundation that will form the hub of all spiritual progress. Let us cling firmly to the everyday duties. Let us beware of falling into hypocrisy and laziness. It is useless to give our all during one month only and sink into laziness during the remaining eleven months.
Take wise decisions for the future, preserve at all costs the fruits of Ramadan and always preserve them for the purification of the soul. Finally, meditate on the following: Ummul Mumineen Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was asked about the action that has the greatest appeal to Allah and he replied: “That which is continual, albeit low (in quantity).” (Muslim)
May Allah give us the necessary knowledge to understand the importance of this sermon and leads us to the Straight Path, Ameen.